RQS Royal Haze Auto + Royal Highness (noauto) + others

New added page (propper counting planned)

So after few days here is an update.

Batch 1 (20 days):
Auto Haze is growing fast and furious. One leaf on 2nd node has a brown mark (seems dry, maybe burned?) - shouldn't be as a result of improper watering. I assume a bird/insect could cause it. No other leaves are affected. Color is nice, bit darker green.
One of photoperiod Highnesses was struggling. First 2 sets of leaves were not symmetrical, I could see a yellow patterns on them. Yet again I don't know the cause, my best guess is that this plant didn't like nutrition rich soil after transplantation into bigger pot in combination with feeding with N-enriched rainwater (half concentration).
But it seems that after a week plant survived and the new leaves looks OK to me.
All 3 photoperiods are smaller than auto.

Batch 2 (12 days):
Both Auto Haze plants looks good to me. Much smaller, still in the original pot. Waiting for the courier to get the perlit and 35l pots. They still shouldn't be limited by 0.8l pots and I want to plant them directly into the huge pots.

Batch 3 (5-6 days):
The last 4th seed didn't make it. I found it with about 5-7 mm root in strange position (like growing horizontal and not vertical). Too many water in soil? I doubt it, but I might be wrong. But the same doses had also the other 3 plants. These plants are very small yet. I've taken them to direct sunlight and medium breeze outside, but taken them back home to warm during the night.

Batch 1 and 2 stayed in folio outside. Temperature shouldn't drop under 7-8 degrees of Celsius.
Plants weren't watered last 2 days after strong circular watering before. Soil is still wet. Next watering will be with some food (half of recommended concentration again), mainly N.

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