RQS Royal Haze Auto + Royal Highness (noauto) + others

Last days in the folio

I haven't updated this journal for a longer time. Plants are still in the folio, as weather conditions are quite bad for a this part of year. April and maybe even March were warmer months with a lot of sunshine, for both there were new temperature records. Nature goes crazy, thanks to us. May is cold, rainy and cloudy. There are warnings about night frosts almost every second day.
I'll wait till this weekends, on Saturday morning temperature might fall to about zero. Next nights should be warmer, but to be honest, forecasts are changing every day (or every few hours).

I've transplanted 2 photos into larger pots. These + auto purple kush will stay in folio or house garden for some time, rest should move into more discrete location. As there were no other disasters, I've got quite a lot of plants, more than I thought I'll have for this part of the year. 4 autos are ok, I think I can have them secured for the next 5-6 weeks till the harvest (fingers crossed).
Photos... well, there are 5 of them and I think about some wild planting for one or two of them not far from the bike road, next to a small creek. I'll check that location soon, or as soon as the weather will enhance.

All the plants from the batch 1 and 2 were slightly trained - bend with garden wire, but I need to finally put then into the earth to train them properly.
Next update with some photos.


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