RQS Royal Haze Auto + Royal Highness (noauto) + others

I'm having quite a lot of free time recently due to the recent end_of_the_world (hope not), so I decided to plant sth else besides tomatoes, beans, corn, cucumbers, ... and hokkaido squash!
Bought 2 packs of seeds from RQS + get some bonus seeds (2).

Germination1: Decided to use wet cotton-wool tampons 3 in a jar. Get 7 nice white roots out of 8 seeds. One no-name Northern Lights Auto failed to germinate.

Planting1: Here comes the mistake. Planting into coconut(?) jiffys. Issue is, I started to planted deeper and deeper ... so only first 4 seeds were able to reach the light above the surface. Now I don't plant deeper than 1cm.

Jeffs were later inserted into small 0.3l pots, than into 5l. Too late I've realized(read), that esp. autos don't like stress from transplanting. Next time I'll be planting directly into 5l.


Germination2: As only one auto Haze (out of 3) survived 1st planting, I've started 2nd batch - 2 x auto Haze. Germinated were in a small bawl with a mix of old water and 2nd brine of black tea. Afer 2 days both were planted into coconut jiffys. After few days nice 2 seedlings were enjoying the sun behind my window.


Soil in pots is a mix of tomato planting substrate and a moss. Perlite is on it's way and should be ready for a new mix for 35l pots ... but I've read that it's not recommended to use different soil for bigger pots, due to changed hydro-static parameters - I don't want to cause bigger stress for my plants (esp. autos) than needed. Now I know that it'd be better to transplant in the late evening (at the end of light cycle), as short as possible, with wet substrate. Best if the next day won't be sunny, skip nutrition feeding for a few next days...

Germination3: 4 seeds, 2x Budha Seeds autos (Purple Kush + Magnum), 2x fotoperiod (Cheese + 8th Ball Kush) - used plastic tray from Toffifee

All 4 seeds were opened after ~2 days with small green/white roots. 2 autos planted directly into 5l pots, 2 fotoperiods planted into smaller 0.5l pots yesterday. Hope, that tomorrow I'll find one or two small plants on the surface, rest the next day.

Batch 1 and 2 - were last 3 days exposed several hours afternoon on the direct sunlight outside. When the direct sun set behind the buildings, pots were taken into house and warm.
One mistake was made with batch 1 - after the transplantation plants were watered with rain water + nutrition (quarter dose, NPK 9-4-6 - using green plant fertilizer from Lidl). Seems that plants survived without any visible damage. Now I know: next time to skip feeding or even better to use some anti-stress stuff.

I'm a bit concerned about intensity and duration of natural light. It might be better to start autos in grow tent under artificial light with 18-20 hours of intensive radiation, but let me not be too greedy. We will see. Currently there is about 13-14 hours from dawn to dusk and lot of sunny days with intense sunlight. I can provide more than 8 hours of that for my little ones, although it means a lot of moving with pots.

Considering to buy 25l Air Pots for 11 Eur each. Seems quite a good price and the volume might be ok for autos.

So, that's the start of my 1st farming blog, mainly for me to see what I did wrong, or maybe for other beginners.

Needed to upload 1 pix to save this - my auto (on the left) Haze has it's leaves bent downwards - I suppose it's thirsty - haven't watered them yesterday. After the shooting I've get them some old water - will see tomorrow if it helped.
Next page: Page ... one?
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    Screenshot from 2020-05-02 23-16-02.png
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