pistils showing - day 25

So here are some update notes.

The ladies went into flowering. They started drinking like hell.The one in the smaller pot is dry every evening, the bigger one cries our for water the other morning . I wasn't expecting it so early.
They could be some taller already, when I compare to the old days, but I am just happy how they do. I'm a bit anxious about hitting the perfect nute mix now.
As I lost so much docs, I might recall things wrong.
Any suggestions about npk? 9/6/12 still or go higher in pk ratio? already in this stage?
I feed them now every other day.
The LST was decent and I picked some leafs that were over budsites. I hope they like it.
I have to learn and recall so much, this feels just like a first grow. Anything I remember I have to research again..it was soo long ago.
have a look -the pic was taken before the big pot got fed, leafs are hanging.

day 25





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