one girl finishes - day 83

So I'm run out of patience and stock, so one girl had to go with all milky in the upper stages, but nearly no amber yet...and i like that little more amber on them...but I like this head high as wenn and I'm impatinen now.

So here's what came off the big girl, except the lowest popcorn, which may live a little longer. (no space needed because of the pyramids)


it's three paperbags wet to dry now Yes they are foxtailing and the buds are a bit loose, but hey, more open surface for nice trichomes, the look doesn't matter, It's just for me myself and I.

And this is how the rest looks atm, the little one in the frontrow now, the rest of the copped lady may rest there for some more days.

the smaller lady was behind anyway and still is, so we go somewhere between 85 and 90 i guess, whenever I thinke theres enough amber..

thats it for this girl and for an easy sunday night.



Well done mate, I had to crop one early too but doesn't it make you feel proud as well as stoooooooned. Happy days :bighug:
well not sure yet if I'm proud, the smoke still isn't what I'm used to..let me wait the dry and the cure to give an answer to that - the yield itself should be sufficient.

thanks for the hug

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