On your marks, get set..

And we're off, the germination process was started on the 10th, both seeds popped and then planted today at 8mm depth. Today being the first optimal lunar lunar day for sowing flowers this month.

The next decent flower day is the 20/02 - 21/02 this was just to long to wait :nono:

The [Almanac Farmers] profess seeds planted tomorrow on the 14th and 15th will grow poorly and yield little, with the 16th and 17th being average under the premise of following lunar planting for bigger yields and growth.

To get everything ready with these 16litres pots, (3litre reservoir/13litre medium) the drain plug is screwed in, I'm not watering to run off. I water from the top for the first 21 days. Once the roots hit the reservoir, they then they get fed through the corner void.

They've been lined first with a shallow layer of washed perlite and then filled with the light mix.

3l of plain tap water ph'd to 6.4 added to the medium 24hrs prior to sowing.

Domes added. Temp 24-27C Humidity 50-60% Lights 20-4 rather than my preferred 18-6 due to temperatures outside.
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