Not totally new but pretty much

Getting there

So I am approaching finish line on these 2 ladies! Sweet seeds is a munchkin in comparison so letting it’s buds plump up a bit and will prob chop in the next few days! Cream caramel is on day 97 and gelato is day 89 today! So far I haven’t exactly had a fast autoflower plant! 1st 2 went 105&120 days and without a doubt this gelato is gonna go over 100 days as well! Not sure what my luck is that these ladies wanna take there time! Seems like I may have better finishing times vegging some photos for 30 days and even 60 day flowering time will have me finishing faster! May try my hand at photos once this crop finishes up but after chopping these I’m gonna have 8 left that need to finish up before going down that path! After getting almost 1/2 lb on 1st 2 I’ll have plenty of smoke to last a good while!
image.jpg Shorty rock for sure
image.jpg Lil fuzzier than I wanted for closeup pic but ordering a WiFi microscope to get good image
Gelato next day 89
image.jpg Ain’t no quarter pounder but good
image.jpg Def frostier tho
image.jpg Til next time :pass: qqq
Previous page: Sorry been slacking


Hi @TxRebel
I’m only on my second grow myself, and today marks day 61 for my ladies. I was comparing mine to the pics of your fastbuds gelato above and yours seem quite far behind mine in terms of bud development. My ladies are expected to take around 80 days from seed to harvest, what is the predicted timescale of your gelato? Are they photos (mine are autos)?
With experience comes improvement, you'll have something to show for it. And what you said about photos, definately can be true, each plant gonna' be different no matter reggy, fem or auto.

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