grand total was just under 3ft from the base of the stem, and about 3 oz... 97grams. B-E-A-utiful nuggetry here. She was really un-picky as far as her feed, and she didn't seem to mind the LEDs, either. Ive had a couple of photos that HATED those types of lights. She, on the other hand, flourished. Take a look for yourself. My only gripe with her was her leafiness. I had to clear her out several times, or she would have grown into herself. lots and lots of leaves. but she needed them to feed the large proportion of buds she had underneath those leaves. nice contrast in colors, thinner fingers to the leaves, which gave her a really interesting look considering there were so many of them. very oily plant. she just looked wet sometimes, and youd better have some alcohol handy if you even have to rustle her leaves some, because your arm hair is going to get stuck, and shes gonna try and keep it, lol.. I'm really excited to see what her hash looks like, how it melts down. There was a TON TON TON of sugar trim. And she's very medical, too. I'm smoking it right now.