June 25th - (week 6)

~ Time goes by when you're having fun ~ what week is it? ~

:coffee2: Good morning friends,

It's been a week since I started LST and I'm happy with how well the plants are responding so far. I have been doing some defoliating but not much and some leaf tucking too. I also added some rice hulls to the top of the air pot to help retain some moisture and fwiw; I'm starting to prefer the bulkier mulch so far.

These autoflowers really don't mess around when it comes to the veg cycle! There's more signs of females showing too as the tops are getting more pistols / hairs. I haven't really been growing for long but have seen a few "hermis" before and do know what to watch for in male characteristics. So far things are looking good though.

I haven't started any nutrient feeding yet but hope to start doing a light mix here soon. Floraflex should keep these girls perky, so I'm excited to see how well they feed and how much they need as I go. I will be trying to get started on mixing this weekend and I've been preparing a new batch of soil for the next run. The two solo cups in the pics are from Chocolope seeds I had and they are sprouting well but I might be transitioning those to outdoors here real soon.

I do have a few plants growing outdoors as well but they have been struggling to adjust to the extreme heat. In retrospect, it was a real test for this strain to go through a transplant to outdoors as a seedling but they eventually bounced back and are starting to thrive. It makes me think about what to look for in growing a particular strain and if it can withstand a fair amount of stress, which might make a good candidate for the next run.


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