
I've had to scrap the latest grow again :shrug:, for some reason the girls just didn't pop. It is what it is, it's probably my incompetence somewhere in the chain:crying:

My normal germination method is to shot glass seeds for 12-24hrs in ph'd water then into a pre saturated pot. No rocket science, nice and easy. The Lechuza 16litre pots will take 3 litres of water without run off and then they're left to settle in the tent for 36hrs. Temps 27-29 with 56-65 RH in the grow room.

I've decided just to hydrate one pot with 3 litres of ph'd water as a week in the tent has dried her out. There was a small amount of run off which was emptied from the bottom of the pot. This pot was put back in the tent to settle.

The other pot was emptied of its biobizz soil and a fresh batch added. This time round, to do something different I used @Dell boy method of starting the girls off. Pot was filled with medium, 500ml of ph'd water poured in a circle where the seed is to be sowed and a dome added after planting.

Following the pretence of lunar planting, these two Fantasmos' were conveniently sowed on the 9th and 11th March both great days for flower planting on the Waning Crescent when the moon passes through Aquarius. There's good things to come :smoking:
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