NucksNugs Bedroom Bud September 24th Update
NucksNugs Bedroom Bud
Licensed Washington State Medical MJ Patient
Disabled Veteran \ PTSD Patient
Licensed Washington State Medical MJ Patient
Disabled Veteran \ PTSD Patient
September 24th Garden Update:
So It's been almost 2 weeks huh? I'm sorry about that but I believe in loving what you do, and for a few days I was a little lost on what to do. I kinda screwed myself (in a good way :smoking:) and went broke until the end of the month (Medically Retired by the Navy due to a list of Medical things, most notably UN-diagnosed GI Tract issues, PTSD, Intractable Pain, and Chronic Nausea and Vomiting) Life hit me kinda hard, My PTSD medications were not working (When do narcotics really ever help...), Medical MJ was barely keeping me afloat, my car needed $1600 worth of Repairs (Audi... damn you) and then I also launched my NucksNugs LL C and filed with the State of Washington.
Now what is NucksNugs LL C? Well it's always been my dream (since the advent of being handed 10 bag-seeds by my old dealer to grow at 14, and subsequently being caught growing by my parents in their home :smoking to become a reputable cannabis breeder and have my own "Seed Bank" So instead of keeping it a pipe dream.. I said YOLO
And if you remember (or go check-out the Overview Page, and scroll down to the bottom) you will notice that I've given myself roughly 5 years to get my first beans out on the market and out to tester's (for free) on AFN to help with my future breeding projects. BUT, back to reality, we've gotta get the equipment and growing experience first before any of that happens
Well, enough about my life, Also side-note, I'm tempted to enroll this grow into the MARS Hydro CUP.. them FC series grow lights, @MarshydroTina let me know if I can tag "MARS Hydro Cup" or if i need to rename this entire grow...
Now The Garden, but First let's smoke:
**And now that we've sufficiently medicated, I'd like to let y'all know in advance the pictures here range from September 14th-September 24th, 2020. That being said, please understand that if you see some issues with the plants (and it's not on a current 24SEP2020 picture its most likely been handled. Of course I will always appreciate a fellow Growmie's concern for my plants health and well-being!**
**And now that we've sufficiently medicated, I'd like to let y'all know in advance the pictures here range from September 14th-September 24th, 2020. That being said, please understand that if you see some issues with the plants (and it's not on a current 24SEP2020 picture its most likely been handled. Of course I will always appreciate a fellow Growmie's concern for my plants health and well-being!**
As you can see they are pretty stressed out and displaying some funky colors and deficiencies. "Don't worry it only gets worse for a few days but we'll get to that around the 17th-20th of September.." When referring back to my personal grow journals, it would seem on the 14th and 15th of September:
"Watered on 9/14/20 at 6.3 pH with Mammoth P added at 0.6 ml/gal. Adjusted Gals Sleep schedule to 20 on and 4 off for everyone in the 2x4 VIPARSPECTRA Grow Tent. No water on 9/15/20, gals might be stressed but instead of freaking out since this is a soil grow I will recheck pH of 5 gal Rez and the girls grow medium(s).
Rez and media both fall in line for pH around 6.5 for the Medium and 6.7 for the De-Chlorinated Filtered Tap Water."
Rez and media both fall in line for pH around 6.5 for the Medium and 6.7 for the De-Chlorinated Filtered Tap Water."
September 15th-16th:
"OH FUCK! Spider-Mites?! Broad Mites? Beneficial Life-Forms?! No fucking clue! No visible webbing on any of the gals or any destruction of my gals leaf structures, just tens if not hundreds of devils walking around on my babies."
In a hurry, I purchased a TaoTronics 4L Humidifier [Amazon Store Link] and an InkBird Humidity Controller IHC200 [Amazon Store Link] along with Trifecta's Crop Control Super Concentrate All-in-One Natural Multi-cide [Amazon Store Link] and I will be spraying every other day starting the 19th, then the 22nd (I'm using 7L of this shit each time because its an "infestation" and thus per directions I will be diluting 2 fl Oz's of the "-cide" and spraying every 2-3 days until: "ERADICATION IS COMPLETE. DEATH TO ALL PESTS OR POTENTIAL PESTS DISGUISED AS GOOD PESTS THEY ALL STILL DIE!!!"
The All-In-One Natural-Cide will arrive on the 19th of September, and when reading the application directions online for the Trifecta Crop Control I re-arranged the feeding/watering schedule for the gals and did some research on environmental, pests, proper humidity control, etc. I reached out to several breeders on Instagram and weaseled them into following me and *hopefully* this Grow Journal and following subsequent journals as an open-ended invitation for a collaboration in the future .
What I gathered from my research:
- I need proper exhaust, therefore I'm purchasing the Vivosun 4-Inch Exhaust Bundle from Amazon on the 17th [Amazon Store Link]
- I need to maintain proper RH levels for the gals, and that proper Airflow and Environmental Factors (RH/TEMP/LIGHT) are optimal they can help fight off pests and help contribute to prevent future pest issues.
- I need to do a-lot more reading and learning on what the hell I got myself into :smoking:
I figure y'all would like to see some picture's of the gals, but first I'd like to showcase wave one of MY ERADICATION EORTS against my unknown (mite family I believe) enemy. Please enjoy the below slide-show of the Trifecta being deployed en masse on the gals "evening" (3 PM PST) and then a mandatory 6 hour dark period at a minimum to avoid foliar damage from the "-cide" not being properly evaporated and thus burned onto/into the plant by my lighting... (foreshadowing )
**NucksNugs from 24SEP is disappointed in myself because there is definitely Foliar damage from the next deployment that occurred in the future on the 22nd of September**
and then, when all hope was lost...
And just when I thought I was going to have to break it to y'all on AFN that I don't have my "growing shit together" (This is one of the reason's I didn't post last week because I was waiting on Amazon )
Other Grow notes from my journals for September 16th through 19th detail how I planned how to execute order 66 against the mites and protect and feed my babies/root drench along with foliar sprays of the Trifecta Crop Control.
"9/16/2020: Watered all plants semi-lightly. Potentially horrid infestation of mites, unknown species. After closer examination all I could come up with an variegated version of Spider Mite, or the Broad Mite. However neither mite species leaves the plants alone like these are.. curious. Went ahead and ordered the Trifecta Crop Control, it will arrive on the 19th. Future plans are as follows:
- No water for any girls on 9/17/2020
- Mammoth P infused watering @ 0.6ml/gal and pH'd to 6.3. After reading online the girls will need a minimum of 6 hours of darkness, therefore the current 20 on and 4 off could end up being detrimental to the foliage health of the girls in case they get burned. **Future NucksNugs here.. Yea i forgot to change the timer (it is now set to 18 and 6) and the girls got burned, lights were only on for a half hour before I noticed but the damage was already done **
- Deploy Root Drench and Foliar Spray on the 19th just after lights out, use 7L and prepare another 7L for the 22nd of September "
And so now begins the slideshow of the gals from the 20th of September to most current today (tonight, most likely yesterday when this posts
September 20th:
September 21st:
September 22nd:
The top photo is of the garden on the night of the 21st around 11:58 PM PST when (around when I usually can get to bed) and when I woke up on the 22nd the lights were about to go out so I did a second round of LST to the Mephisto-Autos and deployed another 7L of Trifecta Crop Control (Still evaporating the runoff with a fan, doing this to see if since its all natural it being in the humid air would have an effect on my pest problem, and from just looking 30 minutes ago my hypothesis could be correct?) I can't be for sure but just understand its a tiny amount of runoff remaining, and if I feel it's necessary (if its not gone by the the end of the night I'll manually mop it up with a sterile towel, I don't want some cockiness in trip me the fuck up.)
Now lets talk about how the girls are doing tonight, **It's currently about to turn 10 PM PST as I'm typing this so I will snap some quick photo's of the girls (they just woke up not too long ago) and those will serve as the September 24th & 25th updated garden pictures.** So please enjoy the below Collage:
Love ya AFN Peace Out, and I will try to keep this updated weekly, but who knows.. WE'RE STONERZ amirite? @420Forever
Love ya AFN Peace Out, and I will try to keep this updated weekly, but who knows.. WE'RE STONERZ amirite? @420Forever