HSO blue dream main cola broken and stupid topping

:sad::sad::sad::sad: Yesterday when attempting 2nd round of LST I’ve broken the main branch of one of my Blue dream :face:.

Was trying to go gentle but forced a little to much and the branch snapped almost 3/4s all the way.

Didn‘t panic per say but really started sweating, kept the branch supported and went to grab some duck tape and left no debris and no space between them when I’ve duck them together.

Went to find out more and read that autos are better at recovering from this type of issues, if they recover, than photos, is there any truth in this?

Was expecting to see indication of the branch dying or so but it didn’t look like it and that triggered the very next STUPID action.

Topped the plant!!!

My thinking process was, to recover the branch will take 2weeks so I can’t LST it to control the canopy = topping, and I might not be thinking wrong(need some expert opinions) but my execution was so poor and I just noticed that after making the cut and looking at the photos, almost certain that I’ve cut the wrong node:deadhorse:

1st mistake , not being so gentle
2nd, not get help and opinions from you guys if I should even do the topping after this stress to the plant
3rd, execution


This will be my 1st real exemple of what not to do and im soaking all this learning.

What say you ?:naughtystep:

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It should be fine. Apparently though duct tape is not good for the plant. You should use plant grafting tape but if you dont have that seran (cling) wrap can be used. Take it off after 5-7 days.
I have had a number of stems split during super cropping and wrapped in cling wrap and they where all fine.
It should be fine. Apparently though duct tape is not good for the plant. You should use plant grafting tape but if you dont have that seran (cling) wrap can be used. Take it off after 5-7 days.
I have had a number of stems split during super cropping and wrapped in cling wrap and they where all fine.
Ty m8, OMW to find out more about grafting tape and were to get it.
Used this electric one thinking it was more gentle to the stem but still keeping them together.

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