How I grow

So, I explained how I used to grow, thought I'd share where my evolution took me. It's not just forwards.

I have explained my fear of pH also, I'll come back to that.

So, a couple of years ago I found myself living alone for the first time in my life, well, not alone, but as the only human of the household. I started growing again after considering for maybe 2 seconds. I slapped up a simple DWC with stuff I had lying around.

I have never met a woman who could ever understand why I have all this stuff lying around. I don't either most of the time. But then, all of the sudden I know exactly why.

I went on one of the China sites and ordered a FULL SPECTRUM SUPER EFFICIENT LED GROW LIGHT or something similar. 600W equivalent! Shit, cost like $50! Times have changed I thought to myself, its cheap to grow nowadays. 600W only pulls 65W? I'm not claiming to be smart, but thats way over my head.

It was blurple btw and not magic.

I got some pretty good weed out of this setup. Grew an Xmas-tree-style mystery seed.

No signs of any pH problems. I used BioNova nutes.

Now I'm a weed grower again. Might as well to it for real, uh?

So I bought a 45x45 cm tent with a 65W quantum board. Thought I'd grow one plant and in soil. Planted an auto in that. Looked at that setup for a week or so. Thought maybe growing indoors in soil might be something.

I don't know where I got this idea but I always said soil belongs in the outdoors. Just a reply I guess when people used to ask me about why I did hydro. But I went and got myself a bag of good quality potting soil and a bag of leca balls. Leca balls was the last thing I heard about like 20+ years ago to be good to drain the soul with. Or maybe I just thought I heard that. Anyway that's how I did it.

Then I went down to the local grow store and bought a premade kit after having the store owner put his "at least 30000 hours" on paper. So I now had a "real" 2x2 growtent. The assembly was a breeze. God damned I had sweated with the 45cm tent.

The "big" tent is a SJ DS60 with SJs own line of bar style lights that are super easy to put together and expand, a temperature controlled exhaust fan with a carbon filter and a set monkey fan.

The upgrades I got was 3 more bars of 20w each of light and an oscillating fan. The store owner really thought I should go for one light bar of UV, one of IR and one blue for the upgrade. I went with 3 full spectrum ones 🤷

All from Secret Jardin

Secret Jardins stuff is more along the line of home appliance. You dont even need electrical tape. I know. Its crazy.

You decide yourself where you want to put your vents and cable flanges. They come with cutting tools so it's pretty much impossible to fail. I can't think of a way to mess it up, and I am an expert when it comes to that.

Then, when you realize your creative placings doesn't make sense, they sell you patch kits, dont worry.

Now I'm growing in bags. I've pre-planted in plastic bags for the outdoors before but this is a new one. Do the roots really like this? Feels like I'm pulling the plants contact with the container out and it might stress them?

I have a plastic bag with soil I'll use again in a couple of weeks. Never recycled soil before since I never ran soil indoors before but I'm reading up and learning about it.

It's as expensive recycling as it is buying new for sure (I dont know about prices in other countries though). My problem is more disposal of soil and where I live it wouldn't be too long before someone put their nose in my business if I was carrying big bags of soil often. The small personal scale I am at now I could maybe get away with it, but the environment man, cant keep just using new stuff all the time.



pH! I keep avoiding the subject. I'm waiting for some equipment to show up and I'll get an idea about my pH again. Nice and slowly. If I die, I die.


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