From seed to harvest, a weed tale by Doppio Beggings, Day 10!

Hello everybody! Hope you doing great and getting stoned as much as you can! :smoking::woohoo1:

Day after day I see my little girls grow up, now they seem to be doing well and appreciate the climate inside the grow box. I finally got rid of the dome and thanks to the humidifier + humidifier controller I can easly keep a nice 70% to 75% RH and 77F to 80,1F. Exaust fan now is h24 on.
Here we are guys, I know I have bored you with my chatter already! :woody:

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Weed Rig operating! :hump:

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I'm surprised at how well these plants manage to survive, if I think of how many mistakes I've made since the early stages. B looks much stronger than A but she has some worrying black spots as you can see in detail in this picture.

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I would be very pleased if you guys would like to help me understand what problem this young lady is suffering from.

Meanwhile I wish everyone a fantastic day, stay safe & ppp! :smoking:
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