First Grow With AFN!

Week 1

It's been 7 days above soil now, and there's not really much to report at this point. The Moui in the solo cup, and the Gran Daddy Purp are showing the most vigor, however they all appear to be just fine. There was a little yellowing in the leaves of the ones I helped out of their shells, but that has since cleared up and they are all a nice shade of emerald now.

Moui Woui

Gran Daddy Purp

I'm a little concerned about drainage, on day 3 I gave them about two oz of water each and got about a half oz of run off. They are in solo cup sized containers, so this shouldn't have happened. After giving it some more thought, the bag of potting mix was left outside for about a month, so it was most likely pre-saturated by rain and humidity even though the bag was unopened. I haven't watered in the last 4 days to allow the soil to dry out a little, but the way its looking they might not get watered again for another 3 or 4 days because the soil is still damp on the surface. I considered putting a heat pad under them to help the drying process a little, and I should have added a fan a day or two ago. At the moment I don't have a fan suitable for them but i'll be getting one in the next couple of days.

Also, I'll be picking up some Neem oil, the damp soil will attract unwanted bugs, and can cause mold and mildew so I want to stay ahead of any potential problems as best I can. I saw a flying insect on the side of the solo cup the other day, I'm not sure what it was. It had the same body shape as a mosquito, only it was about 4 times the size. It was also a light tan color and had transparent, but visible wings. the last thing I want is larva in my soil.

The unknown seedling is the runt of the litter. I'm not sure if it's genetic, or if it's just being a little more fussy about the over saturated soil. The leaves are ragged at the tips and don't seem to be expanding much (the first set of real leaves, not the smooth lobe shaped cotyledon leaves).

left to right: Gran Daddy Purp, Moui Woui, Unknown, Moui Woui.

Unknown- runt

Also, I put them back under the florescent lights, the red and blue led's were driving me crazy trying to get pictures, also I replaced the t-5 bulb with a t-8 and plan to add the second one soon (my second bulb blew).

Thank you all for fallowing along, I know this is the boring part of growing but I'll keep the updates coming. At this point I'll probably update weekly unless there's a problem or a change in equipment. see you next time.
Next page: Week 2
Previous page: Day Two Above Soil


Good luck to you. I'm along for the ride. :dancer:
Thanks bro, glad to have you along. also, I didn't realize the blog starts on the description page not the actual entry, should i just delete the description page?

Thanks bro, glad to have you along. also, I didn't realize the blog starts on the description page not the actual entry, should i just delete the description page?

You have your Blog - "Tmonney Grows Dank" for example then you have within that Blog - your entry - "First Grow With AFN!"

You don't need to delete that. You'll lose the entry and blog.

F | T |F Growery

F | T |F Growery

Fluidus. | Topiaria. | Fumus. Welcome to the Growery. My personal blog space where I grow and show. I like quality, I'm slightly a perfectionist, and OCD to some degree. Product testing, general runs of my favorite cultivars, maybe some preservationism, and a bunch of pictures. Love for...

That is my blog.

F | T |F Growery: Ace+SSSC+Dina+Sannie's+RO Rehab

Completed  F | T |F Growery: Ace+SSSC+Dina+Sannie's+RO Rehab

don't like grow journals, maybe others do, I don't. Welcome to my ACE+SSSC+DINA+RO: Rehab project. Got my RO system, 8ft flood tables for food, and 100+ gallons of Growpito to condition. I'm participating in the Dinafem battle that I am incredibly, severely behind on, and also the SSSC...

That is an entry within the above blog like yours.
My temps are running around 68-72 f, I know it should be closer to 75- 80f for seedlings this stage. I don't know my RH I don't have a hydrometer at the moment. I know both over saturation and the temp can stunt them. I watered last night with the same 2 oz of water but didn't run off this time so I'm pretty sure the moisture is under control now.
So I posted my week 1 update early. But I'm getting my second sets of true leaves now.
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they look fine for day 7 bro a lot of the growing up till now is underground on the roots and i expect them to double in size or more within 5 days as now is were i notice growth spurts also never compare your seedling to other growers as different genetics grow faster also using different media

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