First Grow With AFN!

Day Two Above Soil

It's been five days since my last entry, and I apologize for the delays. I wanted to get some cool photos of the freshly germinated seeds, and do a "day one" update but life happens. So it's day two above soil and a few things have changed, all for the better so far.

First of all I'm happy to announce that there has been 133% germination rate! I know, I know, 133% how is that even possible?
Well, the morning after putting my three seeds in the paper towel to germinate, I went to check on them, and was happy to find that two of the seeds had sprouted their roots. The third seed (the grand daddy purp), although no root was showing, was split open and I could tell the root would be popping out within the next couple hours. at this point I started preparing my starter pots to make a new home for the seedlings.

This is when my girlfriend reaches into her purse and produces a bloated zip-lock baggie. She opens the bag, folds back the paper towel, and sure enough there is a Moui Woui seed with a root about a quarter of an inch long laying in front of me. She went on to explain that she knew I had been planning to start my grow and she wanted to surprise me. She said she had put three seeds in her purse to germinate two days prior to me germinating my seeds. Two of the three seeds she had selected to germinate were small, pale, and very immature. She knew the odds of them germinating were slim at best, but was curious if they would do anything at all. So now I have four happy little seedlings, instead of the three that I had anticipated.

This worked out well. I had three starter pots filled with Miracle-Grow potting mix, and a red solo cup that is now home to the extra Moui seedling.
Because I'm short on space, the original plan was to let the three seedlings do their thing and the Largest would be selected for a new home in a 3 gallon pot. The smallest would be selected for the solo cup challenge, and the remaining plant would be put into a 1.75 gallon pot. However, now the two larger ones will be put into 2.5 gallon pots, the smaller of the three will be put in a 1 gallon pot, and the extra Moui will live out its life in the solo cup.

All of the newly planted seedlings were put in their starter pots, and placed in a tote under a single 24" t-5 florescent light to sprout. I left them for about 16 hours and when I returned I was happy to find all four plants had broken ground. The three in starter pots were less than a half inch tall, two had shaken off their seed husk and were unfolding their first set of leaves. The Moui sprout in the solo cup was standing about 2 1/2 inches tall, but had yet to shed its seed husk.(which I have since removed both of the remaining seed husk). But to my surprise, the plant to the far right already has 2 sets of leaves! while the three other plants only have their first set of smooth, round leaves.

Before removing the seed husk

There has since been a change in lighting as well. A family member had a tote lid that had been cut, and had chicken wire zip-tied to it. He used this as a lid for a tote that he had been incubating chicken eggs in. Luckily, the lid fit my tote perfectly. He also offered to let me use a pair of his 24" led lights instead of my florescent fixture. This works well, seeing that his led's were easily ten times brighter than the decade old t-5 I was using.

This one gives a better comparison between the size of the solo cup seedling and it's sibling behind it. All of the others are about the same size as the smaller one.

After removing seed husk
Next page: Week 1
Previous page: Overview
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Good luck to you. I'm along for the ride. :dancer:
Thanks bro, glad to have you along. also, I didn't realize the blog starts on the description page not the actual entry, should i just delete the description page?

Thanks bro, glad to have you along. also, I didn't realize the blog starts on the description page not the actual entry, should i just delete the description page?

You have your Blog - "Tmonney Grows Dank" for example then you have within that Blog - your entry - "First Grow With AFN!"

You don't need to delete that. You'll lose the entry and blog.

F | T |F Growery

F | T |F Growery

Fluidus. | Topiaria. | Fumus. Welcome to the Growery. My personal blog space where I grow and show. I like quality, I'm slightly a perfectionist, and OCD to some degree. Product testing, general runs of my favorite cultivars, maybe some preservationism, and a bunch of pictures. Love for...

That is my blog.

F | T |F Growery: Ace+SSSC+Dina+Sannie's+RO Rehab

Completed  F | T |F Growery: Ace+SSSC+Dina+Sannie's+RO Rehab

don't like grow journals, maybe others do, I don't. Welcome to my ACE+SSSC+DINA+RO: Rehab project. Got my RO system, 8ft flood tables for food, and 100+ gallons of Growpito to condition. I'm participating in the Dinafem battle that I am incredibly, severely behind on, and also the SSSC...

That is an entry within the above blog like yours.
My temps are running around 68-72 f, I know it should be closer to 75- 80f for seedlings this stage. I don't know my RH I don't have a hydrometer at the moment. I know both over saturation and the temp can stunt them. I watered last night with the same 2 oz of water but didn't run off this time so I'm pretty sure the moisture is under control now.
So I posted my week 1 update early. But I'm getting my second sets of true leaves now.
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they look fine for day 7 bro a lot of the growing up till now is underground on the roots and i expect them to double in size or more within 5 days as now is were i notice growth spurts also never compare your seedling to other growers as different genetics grow faster also using different media

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