FAIL // Three amigas - RQS Blu Cheese Cantrell, Haze Berry, Fat Bananarama Autos

Picked the seeds before coming up with the names. For real, :rofl: I'm so proud of myself. And yes I know, my inspiration will not be to everyone's taste.

Hello anyways! that'll be my last batch of RQS sown seeds. Yes, I'm finally finishing the bag of free seeds I accumulated after a few buys on the website. (I really did not buy that much except the Crafty + that got me quite a few free seeds. Eying some Dutch Passion and Zamnesia for next grows.

So my last three autos are Blue Cheese, Haze Berry and Fat Banana. Dumped them in a glass of tap water for 48h. Temps a pretty high atm, but only Fat Bananarama showed a bit of taproot coming out. Today I sowed them as explained below:
-Fat Bananarama with Biobizz all mix and 15g of RQS Easyboost pellets. Later on I will add some Biobloom
-Blu Chesse Cantrell with Biobizz all mix and 15g of RQS Easyboost pellets. Nothing further
-Haze Berry with Biobizz all mix. Nothing further

I will leave all of them to grow without help except chopping off the branches from the first node.

Same as usual for the rest, 2 small fans, occasionnaly A/C, or dehumidifier (which I use less and less) and MarsHydro TS1000 with dimmer

Let's hope for a good round

Week 1 - Seedling Stage

Hello delidoo!
I've given up on Haze Berry being so lazy it never came out. More light for the other two aye..

Otherwise nothing much to say, temps are pretty high and the weather is dry, so I added the usual wet towels to raise up the humidity. AVG 25.5C / 65%

Going nicely, and funnily enough, Fat Banana is stretching more than the Blue Cheese, as if she already knew she gon be fat. Let's see how it goes. Til' next week!

Week 2 - Seedling Stage

OMG the curse of the Blue Cheese strikes again. Everytime there is a Blue Cheese plant someweher in my tent, the whole thing fails... I even found Fat Bananarama knocked out cold when lights on on day 7... and Blu Cheese Cantrell started mutating on me..
I know someone on this forum that would get pissed at me, as I tried my hand again with freestyle watering with seeds sown straight in 3 gallons pots. With the heat we have atm, it was easy to get fooled by the first inches of the soil, while it was plenty moist at the bottom. Add to that my legendary patience, and we have an overwatered plant (or two actually)

On top of that I gotta leave the house in 5 days to keep my mate's cat while she's on holiday for 15 days, and it's 4 hours away, so there's nothing much I can do except taking as much as I can from these two. They're drinking so little I should be ok as long I don't mess up the watering again.
Ach! Just remembered there's about 20g of RQS EasyBoost pellets in each, so I might face some nutes issues next.

Week 3 - Fail

Sorry for the late update, I've been out and abouts and could not get to the computer. Anyways, nothing really interesting to say here except they pistils appeared and I decided they were too small to keep. (a few years back I would've kept em going)

I should be home without breaks from now on, so let's do this again. Got me some Dutch Passion Meringue. Loved it when I tried it last summer in France and want to feel that again. They're mighty expensive though so let's be veery careful.

Til next time!
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