A Cup of Tea

Well after much trying and with the highest intent put into it, it transpires my seeds were killed of some how. I can only put it down to maybe moisture ingress that found its way into the bag during a power cut.

How I like to start my girls off didn't materialise but lessons have been learnt.

A cup of tea and a regroup saw my getting new seeds, I bought a variety from Dutch Passion, Fast Buds and Amsterdam Genetics.

I started them off following the Ronin method put onto me by @hope2grow and @St. Tom thanks guys, a great in-depth tutorial.

Well we're 48hrs in and we have life, it was the Chocolate Kush by Amsterdam Genetics that's popped first, she looked vigirious if a seed can do when It was sowed.

There appears to movement on the 2nd Root!T so tomorrow we should have two.

Now for the Patrick Moore bit, tomorrow sees the moon pass through Taurus from 23:47pm opening a window of opportunity to plant/sow/transplant followers for the next four days ending at 00:17 Sunday when the moon enters Capricorn. Anything planted in this period will pay dividends, so I will use this time to get the girls potted up in the Lechuzas and then into the grow room.
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Nah, just a plain ol' thread. I haven't quite ventured into the true blog section yet.

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