Day 74 and 67, Future potential harvest date 14th June.

The Lemon Kix is now on Day 75 and enjoying her later years of life ;)

There's been a noticeable gain in bud mass with yellowing leaves becoming green again since receiving the Overdrive.

Frosting is really starting to take over with crystals forming a sparkling glaze throughout. There are no amber trichs yet and she'll have one last feed of molasses tomorrow before nine days of plan water. I'm aiming to harvest near the New Moon, June 14th, when the resins and terps are at the uppermost part of the plant, as the following days after this will have all the goodness making their way slowly down the plant during the waxing crescent. If she isn't ready I will have to wait until June 25th to maximize resin retention but hopefully that will not be the case.

The Chocolate Kush is now on day 67.

She started her 4 rounds of Overdrive on the 28/05/21and is responding well to the extra nutrients, I'm hoping she will follow the lead of the Lemon. The Kush will carry on being fed the Sensi Bloom in addition to the OD which will take her to about day 75 then one last feed of molasses with then plan water to finish.

Until next week ;)
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