Day 48

Holy Hell, these plants are trying to take over the tent. I'm OK with it.

Pretty much autopilot for the last week. I have needed to keep tabs on a few things (Will elaborate shortly), but on the whole this is much less hassle than previous grows with soil + nutes & coco + autopots.

Adjustments for the week:
  • Continuing to dial in watering schedule. The Grapefruit plant gave me a brief scare with some odd coloration and taco up top, so I actually started raising my lights a bit. Watering every 3-4 days, alternating molasses.
  • I did discover that I've been giving half the molasses recommended to each gallon of water (Math is hard, says the Math Minor), so that may be the reason for some of the breakout immobile nutrient issues I saw in Grapefruit.
  • 3 Bears looks kind of rough. This looks like textbook calcium deficiency to me. Some of it could have been brought on by the under-measure of molasses, but I'm just speculating.
  • Activated lights + dehumidifier 24/7. Updated watering schedule has raised humidity issues, so it was just simpler to go 24/7 and let the dehumid run all the time. Previously, lights out was taking temps to high 60s and humid approaching 70%. Wasn't comfortable with that. This was easier than adding more gadgets.

Two week progression; August 11 to August 23:
Group - Day 36.jpg
August 11 (Day 36)
Group - Day 48.jpg
August 23 (Day 48)

3 Bears:

This one stumbled into preflower around the week 3/4 transition; which is pretty much what I'm accustomed to. In the time since, she has shown a fairly distinct nitrogen toxicity leaf curl. More recently, I am seeing spots slowly take over. This looks a lot like calcium deficiency to me. I have some organic cal mag (no nitrogen) that was recommended to me by a mentor in organics. I'm going to give her half a dose of that with the next watering and see if it abates the spread of symptoms. As you can see, she's well into flower at this point.

Day 48 - 3BOG 3.jpg Day 48 - 3BOG 2.jpg Day 48 - 3BOG 1.jpg

Sweet Deep Grapefruit:

She's a champ. I really haven't had to fuss over this lovely lady much at all, and she's still just sprawling out in every direction. I continue to find the occasional small spot on lower leaves, but it never spreads. I did see what appeared to be some immobile deficiencies in newer growth early this week. Lighter green, some extreme taco towards the top, and new growth just looking a little extra twisted. I backed my lights off a tad, and she's just growing right back into them. I'm content to write those minor issues off to the underwatering + half dosed molasses. It seems better in the couple days since I first observed.

I'm only just now getting signs of preflower, so her stretch is likely coming to an end and we are off to the races. The smell I'm getting off the vegetation alone has me mega excited for what is to come.

Day 44 - Grapefruit.jpg Day 48 - Grapefruit.jpg Day 48 - Grapefruit 2.jpg Day 48 - Grapefruit 3.jpg

Northern Lights:

Runts sure can turn around. This little plant was limping along from the onset, but she has pretty much doubled in size this past week. Much like her Grapefruit neighbor, I am only just starting to see signs of preflower in her; which is typical for this NL strain. I really haven't done a thing for her besides water and tuck the occasional leaf. She was so short early on that I couldn't do much more.

Day 40 - NL.jpg Day 40 - NL.jpg Day 48 - NL.jpg Day 48 - NL 2.jpg

Two on left are Day 40, two on right are Day 48. What a difference a week can make.

Worm Bin:

Got my worms in the week before last but was giving them some time to acclimate. Been throwing in some random veggie & fruit scraps over the last week. Pulled some newspaper up yesterday to check in, I found a treat. They have been busy. Can't wait to amend the good stuff into my soil for next grow.

IMG_1679 (1).jpg

Kitchen Gadgets & Edibles:

Not exactly related to this grow, but I have been sitting on some herb that's pushing 6-12 months in age from previous grows. (I don't consume a lot) So I grabbed an Ardent FX and have been trying my hand at some homemade goodies. Turned 1/4 oz. Strawberry Nuggets into some cannabutter and made some molasses sugar cookies yesterday. Pretty much followed the recipe exactly as it was instructed otherwise; just subbed in cannabutter for regular butter 1:1.

The end result was delicious. I had one around 4:30 when they came out of the oven. I can only estimate the content (~30mg/cookie assuming a 15% THC content; which is probably lowball), but the thing had me flying high until an unusually early bedtime of 11 PM. Slept like a baby.

IMG_1680 (1).jpg

Thanks for taking the ride with me. I'm holding steady at an update each week, but I will try and get more frequent as we get to the interesting part. Also have some Beaver Genetics seeds on deck as part of their upcoming Grow & Show.
  • Day 40 - NL 2.jpg
    Day 40 - NL 2.jpg
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