Day 40: We have Flowers!

Things have been progressing quite well in the tent. Both the Cinderella Jack and Green Gelato are well into flower, with the watermelon about to follow suit. While I expected the Prosecco to take longer to flower due to the mutations and the stress it had at the start, the Watermelon vegged on for way longer than I expected, but it has presented a lot of top bud sites as a result.
The prosecco continues to be troublesome, but is doing OK - really needed watered when this picture was taking, so should perk up in due course:
On to the flowering ones, we have the Cinderella Jack - this responded so well to topping and grew so symmetrical training it has been a breeze. Really excited to see this one grow
And the Green Gelato - this flipped to flower quite quickly - quicker than I expected - so it's a little smaller than the others
All the ladies together. The Flowering plants are now being fed the full range of BioBizz at 60% the recommended dose and sticking with 0.6ml/l for the BioGrow (N). I raised the lights and upped their output. The taller plants are getting ~700PPFD which is as high as I'll take it for this one.
One issue I've noticed is that RH is a good bit higher than usual - I'm keeping an eye on it as we move further into flower.
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Is an increase in RH related to the flowering stage by chance?
No I think it's just becuase I've never had the tent this full before. It's been high since they were all potted up. Possibly need to update my extraction system although the tent will be coming down after this grow for a bit.

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