Day 35

Hey friends,

Here we are...gonna stop posting photos of each individual plant cuz they're starting to meld in the photographs and it's hard to tell them apart anyway.

I split up 2 cups of fish hydrolysate amongst the 9 big plants here, thinking it was a heavy dose (I used to give my big photoperiod plants a cup at a time when they were huuuuge...and they responded big time) - and it's made me realize that I think I aired on the light side of nutrients this whole grow. The plants slurped it right up and not a sign of overfeeding anywhere. I gave a nice dose of the same fish fertilizer to my younger plants as well, and they're loving it. I hadn't fed any extras like this to my older plants (when they were a few weeks younger) because it seems so easy to overdo it with autos. Anyway I'd rather slightly underfeed than overfeed, but I'm taking note that with the amount of amendments I added to my bed this year, the plants could use a little extra, a little earlier on.

I added a trellis this morning.

Generally I'll be hooking them up once every week or so with some teas that I'll alternate - P bat guano and Maxicrop soluble seaweed powder, a little more fish for another week or two, and an enzyme tea with malted barley / fulvic acid / coconut water.

Here are some overview shots:

And here is one AVT that is a foot taller than anything else in the garden at 33"-

Check out this young Walter White that is putting out 3 leaves and shoots at each node!!

See y'all next week...
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