Day 32 - redress grievances


Just over one month on 12s, and it's safe to say that stretch is nearly over. Although it doesn't appear to have grown much, the canopy is no longer even and I'll need to do a little more training.

This is the first dragon cheese I've grown. So there are probably other phenotypes. But in the future until I learn different, a plant with 8" of good vertical bud-quality stem is what is needed before putting her on 12s. She'll put on a maximum of 4" in stretch and I'll have a maximum yield.

Between a combination of underwatering and possibly overfeeding, it was looking a little stressed. So yesterday I put it in the bathtub, and gave it a good shower and flushing. Today I flushed it with a gallon of water with 1 tsp Open Sesame, one tsp dried green coconut milk and two tsp Green Aminos.

Here's a picture of her after training. I pulled taller tops down so the canopy would be level again. After putting her back in the closet I realized that this is the last training opportunity - any wider and I wouldn't have a place to put her.
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