Day 25, mixed growth

Hey there AFN fam,
Well seriously mixed growth, to be expected really with growing three different strains, although there's not a lot of difference between the heights they can grow to.
Trainwreck is still out in front as you can see from the pictures, according to fastbuds spec she can grow to 70-120cm, 70 days to harvest from seed.
Wedding glue is next, 70-110cm, again 70 days.
Lastly the two critical white widows which can also grow between 70-110 (however last time I grew CWW she shot up more during flowering). These are currently short and bushy, one seems to be growing from one side at the moment as she had a deformed main leaf early on I may well try some lst on her.
I haven't been able to get the humidity levels I normally like at this stage because constantly trying to reduce the temperature at the moment to keep below 30c and just about managing it, humidity varying greatly between 50-65rh.
Feeding @once a week, root stimulator about once a week too, all ph to 6.3 with ph water in between.
Have some browning on my wedding glue that I've never had before, definitely haven't over watered, could this be the time for calmag? Please could someone advice me.
Also the two CWW have a much lighter green COLOUR around some of their leaves that I don't remember from last time and as now using biobizz I know my feeding needs to be different this time which is why I bought the calmag and I think now maybe the time to use it.
As all at different heights have raised three using pots to even out the canopy so I can still raise the lights, between 18-22".
Still keeping everything crossed, stay cool in the sunshiiiiiiiiiiine :headbang:
before putting on pots to even canopy a little
and after
wedding glue
CWW leaf discolouration
wedding glue leaf discolouration


aaah change of soil, change of recipe.. what Biobizz you using Light mix or All mix? Light mix almost got nothing in it.. It'd be wise to compare the contents with the soil you used before.
And post your pics at the infirmary, the guys there will tell you what's the most probable cause.

Wish you a quick fix! :thumbsup:
Have you tried any quick compost tea mixes? I'm becoming a big fan of those and they seem quite easy to do if you just want to do a 24-hour soak / stir. I'm starting to build up a lot more top amendments like that, worm castings is a great one imo. The nice thing is, it will be fast acting for deficiencies too.

I like how you are keeping the canopy even and these girls look pretty happy so far. I like the Wedding Glue and Trainwreck ~ those are my favorites. Cheers! :vibe: :greenthumb:
aaah change of soil, change of recipe.. what Biobizz you using Light mix or All mix? Light mix almost got nothing in it.. It'd be wise to compare the contents with the soil you used before.
And post your pics at the infirmary, the guys there will tell you what's the most probable cause.

Wish you a quick fix! :thumbsup:
Cheers mate, yeah it's the light mix so absolutely extra bytes needed then and Infirmary here I come, it's what I always tell everyone else, thanks again :smoking:
Have you tried any quick compost tea mixes? I'm becoming a big fan of those and they seem quite easy to do if you just want to do a 24-hour soak / stir. I'm starting to build up a lot more top amendments like that, worm castings is a great one imo. The nice thing is, it will be fast acting for deficiencies too.

I like how you are keeping the canopy even and these girls look pretty happy so far. I like the Wedding Glue and Trainwreck ~ those are my favorites. Cheers! :vibe: :greenthumb:
Thanks mate, I want try some of those with this grow and Im definitely going to be shopping for some this week now. I'll let you all now what I get and how the girls react. Thanks again for the advice mate, much appreciated :baked:
Good luck finding some this week! I hear if you can find some locally, they are much better fresh and you save on shipping too.

Right now, I'm trying out the Earth Dust (Base & Bloom) from The Green Sunshine Company. :headbang: I'll have to report back on how those go, I tried a top soil mix of both recently with my airpot. I'm also doing a tea and will try it on my outdoor garden today. :baked:
Good luck finding some this week! I hear if you can find some locally, they are much better fresh and you save on shipping too.

Right now, I'm trying out the Earth Dust (Base & Bloom) from The Green Sunshine Company. :headbang: I'll have to report back on how those go, I tried a top soil mix of both recently with my airpot. I'm also doing a tea and will try it on my outdoor garden today. :baked:
Well there's a great little hydro shop just ten minutes bus ride so I'll be popping in there tomorrow, they're normally really good so I'll see what they have. Good luck with the tea as well and yeah please do report back as will I and we can compare notes. Good chat mate and thanks again for the advice etc, always much appreciated :baked:
so how was shirley today?
Didn't make it, had a hectic one but going tomorrow now so will absolutely tax their brains and get some lovely treats for the girls, compost tea for sure. They looked proper healthy this eve now humidity is back up. And BTW yours will know you're back and be chuffed about it, if you're anything like me you talk to them and they'll recognise you, deep man. I mean deep man10101 :hookah:

Didn't make it, had a hectic one but going tomorrow now so will absolutely tax their brains and get some lovely treats for the girls, compost tea for sure. They looked proper healthy this eve now humidity is back up. And BTW yours will know you're back and be chuffed about it, if you're anything like me you talk to them and they'll recognise you, deep man. I mean deep man10101 :hookah:

Yeah they do know their stuff in there
Always very helpful n prices r cool too

Cant believe we use the same grow shop
Small world!

Interested to c how u get on with ur tea
Ill mention it to the "girls" wen im in there later!
:coffee2: I ran the compost tea over the outdoor plants and it was right after we had a massive rain here. I'd like to think they needed it after that but I also realized, I could have added a little molasses into it as a sweetener. I've heard unsulphured molasses is important but I suspect there are other things we could use in substitute of molasses.

I believe that helps activate the process in the teas and is a good additive. :baked: :smoker1:
:coffee2: I ran the compost tea over the outdoor plants and it was right after we had a massive rain here. I'd like to think they needed it after that but I also realized, I could have added a little molasses into it as a sweetener. I've heard unsulphured molasses is important but I suspect there are other things we could use in substitute of molasses.

I believe that helps activate the process in the teas and is a good additive. :baked: :smoker1:
Good tip mate, I wondered why when I was looking online molasses kept coming up, now I know so thanks for that. Hope they engoyed the tea, didn't get mine today but def have to tomorrow :hookah:
Yeah they do know their stuff in there
Always very helpful n prices r cool too

Cant believe we use the same grow shop
Small world!

Interested to c how u get on with ur tea
Ill mention it to the "girls" wen im in there later!
I used to work with one of them a life time ago, still didn't get there today, nightmare week but in a good way. But yeah they're great in there.
We're lucky to have it there really.
Hope your girls don't get upset or you'll need to treat them. Checking out your blog now, will sort mine in the morning. Have a canna weekend :smoking:

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