Day 24

Day 24 and the plants are showing sign of sex. Pots felt right for a good watering. Removed them from the tent and gave each about 1.5 gallons of pH'd water with some Epsom salt. Haven't seen any indication that I should be adding any nutrients at this time. I was hoping to get to 30-days before using them (no specific reason, just planning). I did try some lame ass LST but I'm not happy with it. I think I'm using too large of wire gauge - just some solid ground wire I had lying around. Plants are very bushy to say the least.

Some other minor changes for the journal. All fans are now set to run 24/7. Having the filtered exhaust fan on will help the off-light hour smells. Adjusted lights to maintain 24"-26" above canopy. Will check temperatures and humidity since it's the weekend!
Day 24.jpg


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