Day 2 anxiety

So all 3 of my seeds broke soil yesterday afternoon. I was overjoyed. However, things did not go smoothly.

Seedling 1 was the first to show Taproot, and the first to break soil. I think it was a little over developed bc the shell was already pretty much off at the time of planting. Seeds were only in the paper towel a day and a half. When it broke soil it came out strong and fast, but the cotyledons were stuck together...almost like they were glued. I waited a half day and when I saw no progress I gently separated them with a toothpick. The was no visible physical damage and within an hour the cotys spread nice and wide.

Seedling 2 came up next and had the shell hanging off of one of the cotys. I used an eye dropper to drip some water into the shell to try to soften it. After about 30 min I tried it again and couldn't get the husk off. It was connected to the tip of the coty and was bending it downward. I used tweezers to pull the husk off, but had to manipulate it with more force than I would have liked. I definitely disturbed the root, but not sure if I damaged it.

Seedling 3 has me scratching my head. It was the last to break soil, and shed it's shell on its own. It has the best coty colors and size, but came out with this 90 degree angle in the stem near the leaves. This is the only seed I haven't interfered with at all, it just came out of the soil like that.

The droopy cotys have me a bit concerned, but they are only a day old, so I'll wait to freak out tomorrow.

The sideways girl is very concerning however. The stem has a redness to it that the others don't, it hasn't shown any progress straightening out, but the cotys on it appear healthier than the straight ones.

I haven't watered since the presoak. Moisture probe is reading moist at 3" and wet at the bottom. Slurry test 6.3 pH @ 290ppm

Have them under a 55w actual led shop light for now...waiting on some new lights. Have the light maybe 6in above and tin foil everywhere. The last of my gear will be here this week and I can move everything inside under proper lights...just trying to survive until then.

Hopefully my droopy ladies will live, but not too sure about the bent one.
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