Day 19

I'm back with a quick update. Nothing major happening yet. Post-transplant, I've pretty much left them alone save for a watering on day 14. After that, I decided to let them dry out really good. This is my first time with 7 gallon pots, so I'm getting a feel for watering habits.

Growth started out pretty slow but mostly on part with previous attempts. I noticed a similar slowdown early on in my first 5 gallon run which I attributed to more root growth + exploration. I am assuming something similar is going on here.

Sweet Deep Grapefruit is definitely my healthiest plant. She has not suffered from any of the other stretch issues that my others did. Color has been consistently good, and she's starting to sprawl out.
Grapefruit - Day 15.jpegGrapefruit - Day 19.jpeg
Day 15Day 19

3 Bears OG is doing well enough. She got lanky early and has struggled with it since. I keep a tie on her, but she's staying out of the dirt now -- so I'm going to let her go as she likes.
3BOG - Day 15.jpeg3BOG - Day 18.jpeg
Day 15Day 19

Auto Northern Lights is the smallest. I thought she was stocky, but in watering I realized she was just leaned over. Apparently she stretched a fair bit like 3BOG. Still some rough coloring in this one, and many of the leaves are coming out twisted. Going to see what she does; but hopes are not too high. I have heard of stranger things than a runty seedling finishing as a strong plant.
NL - Day 15.jpegNL - Day 19.jpeg
Day 15Day 19


I'm going to focus on ramping light up daily since there are signs that they could all stand more light. Right now they're 225-250ppfd. I'll give them 1k lux or so per day until they tell me to stop -- or we hit 400ppfd ahead of preflower.

I'll top dress with some build a flower and barley straw before the next watering -- and also give them some more molasses. Still haven't set the new tent up, but my insert is done so I'm out of excuses. Hoping to have them moved by the time they start to flower.

  • Average weeklies: 76.2F, 57.3% RH
  • 200ppfd; will start raising daily.
  • Raised exhaust up to 30% to keep
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