Day 18 - everything is still fine

So an Update....I hope i get this blog thing right ....

Fed them all the way with Rizotonic.
On Day 16 I did "overwatered" it (to get the soil PH - perfect on bot)h and added some Epsonsaltsolution to the feed.
On Day 18 I put some mineral magic on the soil - this will give some silica to it with the next feedings.
Everything is nicely green in the purple.
I was keen to see if my old led were still in good shape, and decided to test them with an app.
At 60 cm elevation above the plant i get a dli of 40 for 18 hours of Light and a complete system consumption of 350W (incl all fans). Still OK, and no new investment needed, me thinks.

So here is an update pic in purple



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