Tangerine Dream - Daily Entries

DateJournal EntryWaterRHLightPHECPPMTroubleshootingTemps:
Week 1 21-Jun​
Tangerine Dream emerges.660Finally. Tried 3 times, now.
I'm sharing a tent with a 23 day old Gorilla Glue. Toying with continuous grow cycling through up to 3 plants in a 2.5 x 2.5 tent.
Week 2 28-Jun​
Watered on 27th. Greening up pretty well but quite squat. I bought 3 TD seeds and only this one emerged. I am spraying topsoil with Hydrogen Peroxide to fight a few gnats from another pot.35" X 75% X 600Concerned about light intensity as I share a tent with a new bloomer of 6 weeks.
Going to deep water with Mosquito Bits solution. I had some gnats coming from an adjacent pot. Will PH to 6.353%35" X 75% X 600Want to end gnats quickly and take some long-term insurance. The bits can be applied every 3 weeks.
Looking good. I am tempted to be more aggressive on feeding and sooner. The soil should have a 2-3 week pre-load. I am going to use a boost solution with Kelp and some advanced GH30" X 90% X 1000
Week 3
Week 4 7/12​
Started LST. Using the boost solution from last week. Bent main stem and anchored both top and base of stem. I need pictures. This one has been on GH advanced products with Liquid Seaweed. I have half-heartedly kept track and lost a week. This is my 2nd grow. The first was very conservative on feeding. This one has been continuous with plain water breaks. I will add the RO Grow 2-3 teaspoons per 5 gallons pot of soil. This I will water in with plain water over 2-3 times then back to the advanced products. Also: I had a few gnats in this tent so treated this pot. I am keeping an eye out to see how long it takes for them to show up again. Each pot I add is pre-treated for the larvae when I drop the seed now. (using Mosquito Bits).255330" X 90% X 10006.4 water
Phone died, pics pending. Watered and fed. Too much? Both boost solution and RO Grow 3 tsp spread across the top then watered with plain ph 6.4 water. This plant seems to be growing fast. I am trying to feed more than on my first grow, so nervy about today. Lights are on 100% at 35" above the Tangerine Dream. Not sure but I see little white tips on the leaves of the Gorilla Glue which is 8 weeks now, so I raised lights a few inches. I am currently running 20 hour light cycles. Saw 1 gnat. I think the diatomaceous earth keeps the larvae down and the Mosquito Bits works. I added more and hoping I do not need it in the final weeks or can get buy flushing it from the soil later.6.4
She's getting kind of pretty looking. New leaves popping through previous LST. I was thinking there is a stopping point on LST in my older grow. I'm thinking now I was wrong. Continued LST would continue increasing bud size and trichomes, I believe. I think she is doing pretty good for week 4.
Week 5 7/19​
More lst. Lying branches down and turning right around the pot. Be neat to expose buds to light on the horizontal. I fed recently, but I should be doing something to promote flowering I think.
Foliar spray 1ml peroxide, 1 ml floralicious Plus, 3 ml Kelp. The plant appears to be pre-bud. Maybe some pistils starting. Foliar was one shot for me on this one. Deciding if I want to add anything from GH advanced. I am making feed from the foliar spray adding ROBloom 1/2 tbs, 1 ml Rapid Start, 1 ml Liquid Koolbloom, 5 ml Flora Nectar, 1ml add peroxide.
Week 6 7/26​
The Tangie is doing pretty well. I thought I might have overfed her but things are OK. I had one leaf lost due to yellowing and dying. It could be damage from LST. I warered her to runoff last time just a few days ago. She is dry today. I will wait till tomorrow to water again. So this is week 6. Weeks 5-6 seem to mark root growth and water intake. I like watering more often and drying down over 3-4 days. Since we are starting the 6th week, I am thinking of watering heavily to run off with plain water. Measuring PPM. EC. Then deciding to add Kelp, Rapid Start, Flora Nectar, Liquid KoolBloom, FLoralicious and ripen. The ripen is a pre to early bloom booster I hear. Will use it through weeks 8-9.
I apologize for the lack of detail in my form here. My 98-year-old Mom went to the hospital and I have dropped a few balls since.
Week 7 8/2​
I fed today. Light GH and advanced about 700 ppm. I was running hot but at the same time, I see yellowing leaves. I flushed at that time and have let her grow. Another thing of note: The Tangerine Dream seems very fragile in the strength of it's stems and branches as compared to my Goriilla Glue grow. I have done a few foliar spray on this one but quit with the budding. I took the gorilla glue out for harvest prep and added two 3 gal pots so Critical Purple will be joining the TD. I will water with plain water with some runnoff to measure after I observe. Shit, another note: I fed with 750 ml of 700 ppm nutrients. I followed with 750 ml of water w/ 2ml hydrogen peroxide. The water is 160. The PH 6.4
Week 8 8/9​
Week 9 8/16​
Having trouble with M lockout I think. Leaves turning yellow stems green. I ran 1 g Kleen and 1 G plain 6.5 water. The runoff ph was 6.5. I ran 2 g through then fed until it started running off. My PH meter died in the middle so used liquid test. I fed the GH light. My ppm did not change through this process (734). A question I need to answer is fine-tuning the ppm on the grow or bloom side. Going to watch to see if leaves hold longer. I am calling this my trouble grow. 2 seeds failed. This strain feels soft, bendy, uneasy.
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I am thinking of giving her 2-3 weeks of the starter load of nutes with the soil. I will begin adding Rapid Start and Floralicious Plus on next watering. Also Flora nectar.

The Plan:
Week 2: Water, Rapid Start, Floraliscious Plus.
At 3 weeks add Armor SI, Liquid Seaweed, Cal-Mag, Rapid Start, Floralicious, Flora Nectar, Diamond Nectar. I went light on first grow. This time following GH boost feed charts but 2/3 strength, about. Also blending 5 teaspoons RO Grow and mix with topsoil to water in with the boost solution above. Topping off with spray 4:1 water and Hydrogen Peroxide for pests. I want to plain water twice between feeding and alternate boost with watering.

6 weeks: Will probably adjust but 2:3 feeding: Grow and Bloom. Additional Boost Solution with appropriate adds for transitioning to bloom.

1.) I am doing what is not recommended > mixing two nutrient manufacturers > GH and Roots Organic. All of the GH products I add in lighter doses but treat with the same concept of RO boost products.
2:) Diatomaceous Earth is a part of the top layer of soil. I am wondering how much it may contribute to killing gnat larvae.

We'll see how it goes. I am new to growing, so no history to really prove my growth plans at this point. The first is my example after having planned a rDWC grow but deciding to begin in soil. I am roughly following the same plan as the first.

This is not a fully organic grow, but I am still determining if I stick to soil or flip to rDWC. The Roosts Organic appears to have living biologics. I am listening to a podcast on organics and feeding the soil. Still want to try hydroponics, maybe after I accumulate a decent medical stash.

Tangerine Dream. Grower's Choice.

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Continued with the LST work. On this second grow I can see the plant differently from the perspective of balancing the spread off of the main stem. Pics coming.

An 8-week old Gorilla Glue and the 4 weeks old Tangerine Dream. I learned 2 plants in 5 gal pots is about max. LOL
But a 3 gallon would still fit. I will test a grow of 4 3 gal pots down the road. The goal is to pop a new seed to keep a 3 plant rotation going. The Line-up as of today Critical Purple, LSD, Super Lemon Haze. ILGM offered some seeds which may include Blue Dream. (I ordered wrong, refused to take a replacement because it was my error and they offered some extras on my next order. I am OK with that :) )

I fell 1 week behind on feeding the dry ammmendments RO Grow. Spread 3 teaspoons and watered in thoroughly using the light boost solution from earlier.

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Tangerine Dream in Bondage: She's Clipped, Wired, Piped and Tied and we are both taking refreshments. (I was lst'ing and started hearing Zappa Penguin in Bondage in my head.)

I am tying down and turning the branch tips to the right. I was curious about horizontal bud exposure to light. I was looking at the gorilla glue and how the buds form and where they are on the stem. Strains will grow differently but I was wondering if the Dream would stretch more. Not sure.

There is an error in my thinking > It will be nothing like I intended. This is fun.

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The Tangie is growing fast. Started pre-flowering beginning of week 5. Foliar sprayed with Kelp and will deep water to runoff. The foliar does seem to have launched bud development. She is in flower now in week 6. I didn't know to expect to see Trichomes this soon. They are there.


She is a hairy gal....

I have to get my real cameras charged up soon. Interesting stuff
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I have some of these seeds, they will be my 2nd grow, so I'm lurking on ya ;)
My first grow, gorilla glue, is finishing up. I had trouble with these. Two seeds failed. This was my last but the one I want to see mature the most. It took off.

I was starting to freak that I had overfed but I measured ppm of the soil and it is 700-900 zone where it should be for my feeding. The ph is off to the downside 5.5. I will have to raise it a bit tonight or tomorrow. I am mixing two manufacturers, and nervous about it. That is until I started measuring and monitoring the PPM from another grow. Now I get that aspect of it enough to want to learn more. Dumping Kelp on her tonight. Good Luck on the grow.
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