First Auto grow "Chemdoggin"

Start Date: April/21st/2020


I soaked the seed in a small container of "Smart Water" at 16:02.
I chose this brand as it is void of all nutrients or contamination. I placed the covered container in my closet and left it for 18 hours.


Seed did not require more time to sink to the bottom. As a result, I moved it to a paper towel inside of a Pyrex dish. This was then placed in my nightstand and I waited for growth. Twice a day I would check and, if necessary, spray the seed with Smart Water.



This Taproot was visible first thing in the morning at 06:00. I moved the seed to soil at 12:10 that day.

I placed the seed in peat mix with no nutrients. The mix was pre watered and mixed.


06:00 - no changes visible. Not adding water to soil until the first signs of growth are present, then only if needed.



First growth appeared. No water needed. I am mixing 15-5-5 liquid fertilizer at a ratio of 1 drop per 900ml. I will continue this for a week and switch to the nutrients I ordered.


hey there, i'm gonna be following this thread, as i'm new, my two auto northern lights just sprouted, and i'm improvising, and taking advice from wherever i find it, since i put them in soil, my viparspectra r900 was on (veg button only) at 30 inches, now one of them was late to sprout, the thing is that i have no idea when to start watering, and when should i start changing light distance, also worried about stretching issue, any advice from you would be great
Hey man,

First I want you to know that, as a first time grower myself, I am no expert. I have never had to deal with the issue of stretching to date, though I have collected information on it. Aside from the myriad of experts on this site, I found this Artie most informative on the subject.
Click me, I'm a link.

As for watering, my journal documents early stages pretty thoroughly. I based the remaining watering plan on this article, watering only on an as needed basis.
I'm also a link

I will gladly offer whatever help I can, I'll also always let you know if it comes from experience or second hand. That way you can decide if it sounds right to you since I won't be able to tell you from experience.

Congrats on your first grow man, this is addicting and I'm excited for you.

My girls this morning


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hey there, i'm gonna be following this thread, as i'm new, my two auto northern lights just sprouted, and i'm improvising, and taking advice from wherever i find it, since i put them in soil, my viparspectra r900 was on (veg button only) at 30 inches, now one of them was late to sprout, the thing is that i have no idea when to start watering, and when should i start changing light distance, also worried about stretching issue, any advice from you would be great
Update: my light is 3ft from my plants, I may lower it a bit so thank you for drawing attention to it. :bighug:
Until they get out of seedling stage its good to have lights a little higher. I mean when it hits 2-3 nodes as for watering? Seedlings i mist til they start to develop true “serrated” leaves then water to edge of pot so roots search for water. Dont drench soil until they are in veg state. Then water til a little runoff. After that use the pot weight to judge if its heavy, no water. If its light, water
My lights were 30” through seedling stage
can you tell me what's this alien ? one of them sprouted late with shell stuck to it, i gently removed it making sure not touching the sprout it self, but this is how what i have now, don't know if it's burned, or if it's the protective layer holding it together, i don't want to risk it


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ah i'm new, didn't know it's considered stealing sorry buddy, i'll make a new threat.
It's all good haha, him and I know eachother from on here. He definitely helped me learn a lot. I don't worry about thread jacking because we're all here to share tips and learn and admire. If I can't help hopefully someone will

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