Can a Coco Nut Find Love in a Walmart Tote (SIP)

I've been getting interested in the whole live organic thing for awhile but wasn't really seeing it as practical in my space. Then someone mentioned Earth Boxes. Checked out their site and thought "Hmmmm". The main issue was the sizes didn't fit for my space. Soooo, I started checking out Walmart totes and found these Sterlite Industrials that would allow me to do 3 single holers in each of my spaces. Perfect! Tote They also have a larger one if you want a 2 holer. After that just cut up some pvc pipe we have hangin around, a trash bag and a fitting from Tractor Supply which allows me to attach 3/8" tubing to drain the overflow water into a coffee can.
Ordered some stuff from BuildASoil to get me started.
Got 3 Auto Thai Ryder seeds I'm waiting on to get their heads out of the ground.


@slowandeasy Thinking of using the 4 gal version--shorter for a vertically challenged space. Do you know how much water the Earthbox JR holds or where the overflow is located? I love this not waking up in the morning and not having to play the mix nutes game
It holds about 1 gal. The hole is on the same end as the fill tube. If you use the 4 gal, it will hold less medium than a Junior does. Juniors hold about 5 gal of Soil or so. When you factor in the rez depth, you might fit 3 gal in the 4 gal ones. I bought 2 of the 4 gal totes, to use on my Sour Cracks. Small, fast strains will work ok. But I larger plants or longer finishing plants will get hungry with Organics. I also have 3 of the 7 gal totes to make up. I have 16 Juniors and rotate them in and out, but want some custom sizes for different strains and growing areas. I have a couple low ceiling tents too. So the 4 gal ones can be used in them good luck, sloa
It holds about 1 gal. The hole is on the same end as the fill tube. If you use the 4 gal, it will hold less medium than a Junior does. Juniors hold about 5 gal of Soil or so. When you factor in the rez depth, you might fit 3 gal in the 4 gal ones. I bought 2 of the 4 gal totes, to use on my Sour Cracks. Small, fast strains will work ok. But I larger plants or longer finishing plants will get hungry with Organics. I also have 3 of the 7 gal totes to make up. I have 16 Juniors and rotate them in and out, but want some custom sizes for different strains and growing areas. I have a couple low ceiling tents too. So the 4 gal ones can be used in them good luck, sloa
Thank you!
Day 20
At this point I don't see any reason to go back the pot and nutes routine. Outside of the original setup it's pretty effortless and the girls seem to be coming along better than my previous grows.


#2 will probably get topped this afternoon
Going to need to do some trimming today. One thing I wasn't expecting is the big girl in the middle is in Miracle Gro Organic soil. The one on the left is in Buildasoil 3.0 and the one on the right is about 50/50 of each. All are topped with Malibu compost, some BAS version GroKashi, worm castings, Barley straw and a handful of red wrigglers. Watering with coconut powder/EM1

Almost forgot. This is the Thai clone in 2ltr bottle sip. Don't expect a whole lot but she's cute and a cheap date.

I had 2 cookies growning in coco that succumbed to fungus gnat with probably an assist from rock wool cubes. So I decided to replace them with some Fast Buds Sour Diesel in short boy diy sips. Since this post started out mainly as diy sips I'll just run em here.
These are the first 2 that I started. Been above ground 13 days.
@Fast Buds Heather


By rearranging things I found enough space to do another lowboy. Did water bath and paper towel then directly to soil. If Mother Nature can do it, why can't I? Hope to see her poppin in the next day or so

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Dang! I just checked and she's an inch out of the ground
And then she wasn't. This morning stem was bent in the middle and head on the ground.Maybe she'll come back? Probably not. Plan B Transplant the girl from the bottle sip.
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Damn, time has just been flying. The Boss decided to use this covid "down time" to make improvements to the track and property as well as renting the track out on the weekends so my 4 half day part time job has blown up to 7 day work week. And now we're going back to racing
Day 31 for the 2 Sour diesel (theoretically) Topped em last week. One on the right seems to be slowly rebounding so I may just let her grow. One on left didn't miss a beat so I'm gonna manifold her today. I've only got about 3' of head space in this spot so I need to keep em low.


Day 50 for the Thai girls
They've pretty much blown my mind with how well and fast they've grown. Someone had said I should prolly grow 2 plants in this space but of course like any kid with a new toy I had to find out for myself. I still need to do some pondering on how to proceed next round. I'm thinking the girl on the left may be lagging from being stuck in the corner. Originally I had Mars Hydro sp1000 in there but is was overlapping the light in the right side causing some issues so I pulled out my 2 ts1000's and that is working much better. These thinks are growing so fast I'm literally pulling handsful of leaves and popcorn daily just to give em some light space and breathing room.
I'm gonna have to chage the door configuration cause I cant get a group shot.
Gave em all a dose of BAS Build a bloom today

This is the #2 girl. About 32" tall. Main stems about the size of a cig lighter.


#1 girl is only about 20" tall and just in preflower. IDK, genetics, lights, fungus gnats? She looks and and keeps filling in leaves like crazy so "I'm not gonna let it bother me tonight"
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#3 is around 30" and buds are starting to fill in and fatten up
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And this is the Thai clone I took sitting in her filthy water. I did clean it out today and refilled with the Build a Bloom. She should be ready for chop in a week or 2
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All for now
Day 55 Thai girls
#1 is starting to move up again-still no buds. 22"
#2 Seems to have stopped her stretch. Praise the Lord. Lights are now as high as they will go. Should start fattening up.
#3 Is fattening up nicely.
I can see that I'm only going to be able to do 2 plants in this space. #1 is prolly getting choked out for light.
@MrOldBoy @slowandeasy What do you do with your soil when a box is done?


Garden - actually did a girl outdoors in some last summer - pit soil into garden and added 3/4 Cup Craft Blend and that was it, grew some good size photos .... I do a lot of vegetables and flowers so soil never goes to waste.
Day 37 (actually 31 for the right one)for the Sour Diesels in the low boys. They've both been trimmed for manifold. Kind of buggered the left one by leaving adjacent nodes instead of skipping one. If I do this again, I'll have to let em start in root cubes rather than direct to sip so I can aim the branches.

20200519_Sour Diesel_3742-.jpg
Day 51
So can a coco nut love a Walmart SIP?
Let me see
Coco vs soil. Std pot vs SIP. Salt nutes vs organic. My regular grows have been finishing about 2 weeks later than the breeders notes. The smaller one on the right is finishing about 2 weeks early. The other 2 I expect to be done right on time. I will have to keep my 3 spaces confined to 2 plants per space but I'm thinking yield will make up for it They say a picture is worth a 1000 words



Day 51 and 44 for the Sour Diesels in the "jr" SIPs. Looks like size does matter when it comes to the boxes. May want to try and find something between the 2. For this space these may be just right as I'm more vertically challenged. In the 3rd space I have a bit more height to play width.


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Sour D
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