GR106 Pineapple Express

Mon Feb 24 10-20-09_pe2-1.jpg
@Fast Buds Heather
Well, this was supposed to be a grow about Fast Buds Mexican Express. However: Put seeds in water and overnight they sunk. As I was putting them into the paper towels, I noticed the seeds had opened just a hair. Don't know weather they were that way b4 putting into water or they opened overnight. 3 days after putting in paper hadn't cracked anymore and no tap root. Decided to put em into the dirt. 5 days later nothing- nada. Grabbed a tooth pick and started to poke around with the care of an archaeologist. Nothing--I couldn't even find the seeds. Gobbled up by the coco weevils?

Thanks to Fast Buds comp I have a 3 pack of Pineapple Express to hopefully take over the airlines.
Had been looking over Mephisto grow guide sooo, put the seeds into toilet paper and a dvd of Joe Bonnamassa's Vienna Opera House. Maybe music is the key to the tomb!

Mon Feb 24 10-20-09_pe2-1.jpg
Mon Feb 24 10-24-34_pe1-1.jpg


Since we've got 2 days of rain comin, I reopened the archaeological dig all the way and nothing. Can't complain-they were free.
Cool! Opened the case up and have 1 w/ 3/4" tail and the other 2 should be ready in the AM
This seed thing is getting frustratin. One of the seeds put out a 3/16" tail, didn't go any further for the day. picked up the shell and root stayed on the paper. Tweezered it into the dirt. The last one had a little nub stickin out but seed looked weird. Got out the magnifying glass and it looks like the seed had been crushed. Stuck it into the dirt anyway. Fingers crossed

Guess I have to start buying 5 packs to hope for 3 good ones
I use a tea spoon of kelp me kelp you in 2liters of water soak a paper towel wring it out place in a bag and make sure to keep it around 80 it will make all the diff unless you can keep tent temps@ 80 85 and plant directly this is the best way for sure by far but those temps are critical 70 lights off is ok but if u did 2 tents side by side and germ one then planted in a tent @ 80 85 and one @ 70 75 you would see a big difference. Again though you will get it and if that one was damaged that's not ur fault.
I use a tea spoon of kelp me kelp you in 2liters of water soak a paper towel wring it out place in a bag and make sure to keep it around 80 it will make all the diff unless you can keep tent temps@ 80 85 and plant directly this is the best way for sure by far but those temps are critical 70 lights off is ok but if u did 2 tents side by side and germ one then planted in a tent @ 80 85 and one @ 70 75 you would see a big difference. Again though you will get it and if that one was damaged that's not ur fault.
We had a cold snap when I had some seeds germing and the heat pump on the magic bus doesn't like to work in the low 40's so I got one of those heat mats w/ thermostat. Praise the Lord for creating Amazon next day delivery
And then BAM! Overnight one of the PE's blew up(crappy cellphone pic)

I did find a couple of CreamCookies seeds and put em in the ronin method as backup in case the other 2 pe's don't make it
Keep it up man, get to know your plants growing up! What’s the setup going to be like bro? Like what’s the light/tent/etc going to be like?
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Keep it up man, get to know your plants growing up! What’s the setup going to be like bro? Like what’s the light/tent/etc going to be like?
Weeelll, the plan is: the other 2 PE didn't make it so I'll go with the one PE and the 2 cookies. When I top the PE, I'll try to clone it.
Kit: I live in an rv so I took over a 6' x 18" closet and the toilet space(I have a restroom 50' away) that's 2' x 3'.
I'm using Mars Hydro SP 150 for veg and SP250 for bloom.
Medium is 50% coco, 25% perlite, 25% rice hulls. Cedar chips on top for moisture retention and pest control. All in PowerPots
Nutes are Veg+Bloom- Probably use a tea of worm castings, molasses, and kelp here and there.
The big closet gets air through a couple pancake fans and is exhausted with AC Infinity 4" fan with controller
Temp and humidity is controlled by Inkbird controllers

Here's the girls at Day 6. PE is in the center

Day 22. Just a quick update pick bf they get topped as well as a try at shooting in the grow space. Don't think I'm going to want to move sip containers around once I start em.

Day 44
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Mr Murphy and his merry band of evil elves have been having a grand old time.
The Veg&Bloom nutes I was trying just seemed to be lacking.
2nd, as I was doing a little lst to the pineapple express, the right hand branch pulled right out of the node.
Then came an invasion of gnats. Didn't think it was too bad til I started spraying the girls with neem. Next thing I know they are coming out of the woodwork( the ground actually) I found out the one bad thing about these pots-- damn gnats were going into the holes.
I "think" I have the gnats somewhat under control. Because of the side access they have, I think maybe I should give the girls a good watering with the neem
I was trying out hanging weights on the branches of the PE as a way of "gently" lst'ing. Right---When I was moving her to the shower to water, I must have jiggled the pot too much causing a weight to bounce and supercrop the left main branch.
I know you shouldn't switch horses in the middle of the stream but I changed nutes to the Medi One that I had pretty good luck with and that seems to have helped get growing back on track. I do have one girl that's a dwarf. I have a feeling the gnats may have played havoc with her roots. Funny thing is she started blooming 2 weeks before the others.
All for now

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Day 56
Been a minute since last update. I had a bit of a problem with Fungus Gnats. Bad enough that I had to get rid of 2 Cookies . Copious amounts of neem oil, trifecta and finally nematodes seems to have taken control of the situation . Pineapple Express seems to have pulled through the crises. Did seem to stall a bit so I gave her a shot of Dense and that seems to have given her a kick start. Only time will tell

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Day 81
Been flushing her since Sun. Most likely will give her the chop this Sunday. All things considered, I'm happy to get what I have.
Broke one of her main stems
Veg+Bloom nutes just didn't seem to be up to the task and switched to MediOne
Super cropped a couple stems to slow growth or she would have ended up in the lights
Invasion of the fungus gnats
It'll be good to have some sativa back in the house- yes, I said sative- not narrow leaf like the bigCanna guys want to change it too. Bassards don't have any respect for tradition

20200521_PE_3764 pe.jpg

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Sour D
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1 min read
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