Tropicana Cookies Auto, Mendels Mystery Auto, Purple Nuggets Auto and Midnight Mass Photoperiod

So just started my 6th grow on 7/16/22. Going with Tropicana Cookies Auto that I got through a reputable breeder on facebook group that Ive been watching for a while. I love citrus terps! Also threw in Mendels Mystery Auto( Mendels genetics are beast), a Mephisto Purple Nuggets and Midnight Mass Photoperiod by Piff Coast Farms which Im really excited about because its supposed to be bred from the old school black haze that dominated Nyc in the 2000s. I germinated my seeds by using the NFTG method of adding 5ml of Zeus Juice to 1 oz of water to help break down the coating of the shells. Let them soak in that solution for 12 hours and then planted straight into Coast of Maine Stonington blend soil with 15% added perlite and 2 Tbsp per gal of NFTG one shot in 5 gal fabric pots, also used a solo cups amount of seed starter where seeds are planted to help keep them from burning up. The photo is in a 5 gal air pot just as a experiment. Presoaked the pot with 1/2 gal each of dechlorinated tap water the day before. Then I squirted about 5 sprays of plain water ph'd to 6.8 at each pot after planting and covered with a clear cup as a humidity dome. Checked this morning and found tropicana cookies had sprouted and as another added surprise, im finding mycelium around in all the pots for the first time! Super exited!20220718_130845.jpg20220718_130837.jpg
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Happy to say I have 100% succesful germination. Purple nuggets sprout a couple hours after Tropicana cookies, then both mendels mystery and midnight mass sprouted the very next day. My method of watering was just giving about 10ml of plain dechlorinated PHd water twice a day( 12 hours apart). Once sprouted I start giving 30 ml and wait till they dry a lil.


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Day 7 update. All babies are doing great, especially tropicana cookies which is super vigorous compared to the others. Purple nuggets is pretty short and squat staying true to its indica traits. Been watering at small amounts a couple inches away from the stalks to get thoae roots to search that water out and grow. I applied mykos wettable powder mycorrhizae once a week to them.
Day 7 update. All babies are doing great, especially tropicana cookies which is super vigorous compared to the others. Purple nuggets is pretty short and squat staying true to its indica traits. Been watering at small amounts a couple inches away from the stalks to get thoae roots to search that water out and grow. I applied mykos wettable powder mycorrhizae once a week to them. View attachment 1492470
Looking good mate, babies are always beautiful :baby:
Unrelated to the grow, my grove bags I won in the @Grove Bags raffle (Thanks again) are already getting put to use. Just got a small batch of mephisto freebie (CDLCxFs)xFs out of my lotus dry jars and into a grove bag. Used a moisture meter to see when the buds reach around 10%. Took about 40 days for this specific jar to get to that point. Heres a pic of the jars in the my frost free refrigerator and the grove bags.


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Unrelated to the grow, my grove bags I won in the @Grove Bags raffle (Thanks again) are already getting put to use. Just got a small batch of mephisto freebie (CDLCxFs)xFs out of my lotus dry jars and into a grove bag. Used a moisture meter to see when the buds reach around 10%. Took about 40 days for this specific jar to get to that point. Heres a pic of the jars in the my frost free refrigerator and the grove bags.
Enjoy mate, happy days :cooldance:
So day 15 for purple nuggets and tropicana cookies, 14 for midnight mass and mendels mystery. Im a bit upset with purp nuggets and mendels mystery as they seem to have stunted, my best guess is the heat since they all get the same treatment. Ever since germination, temp has been steady around 85-86 F with humidty around 80% rH. Im guessing since the 2 that are thriving are sativa leaning plants, they like the tropical environment. Started training on the tropicana cookies because shes just blowing up. Midnight mass getting slight signs of mag def which i always end up going threw at this stage of growth for some reason. Foliar fed all girls with 1 tbsp per gal of epsom salt. Gonna keep foliar feeding to make sure it doesnt progress. Still watering with just plain ph water.


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Alright alright im late for week 3 update but here it is, the girls all came out of their mag def with the epsom salt foliars and they are booming. Got a new issue, I finally got my hands on some nectar #4 soil through amazon since that soil is not available at all in my area....and they came with fungus gnats :face:. Positive it was these bags because I purposely been getting close to underwatering these pots and the day the bags arrived, all i see are little black specks flying around. No biggie, I got some Dr Zymes for their asses, gonna do a root drench on each pot, do a posiedonzyme foliar on each and then start bottle feeding at half strength on the next watering. They are all moving along now. Some pre-flowering has appeared on purple nuggets. Decided not to train mendels mystery just to see what happens.

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