Preparation & Planting

I've been taking the time to watch some of the BAS videos - particularly those to do with Earthboxes - and wanted to incorporate as much of that wisdom as possible into my next run, so here we are. My last couple organic runs have gone just fine, but I wanted to try and take it to the next level this time. My goal is to finish these plants without deficiencies or gnats taking over at the very end. I'll attempt to do that by building a better soil and then refining my technique in handling an earthbox.

Key lessons learned from my last EB run:
  • Dry cycles in the EB res are good.
  • Top watering excessively can create problems (i.e. Fungus gnats are dicks)
  • I want to keep each EB limited to a single plant
  • Go a little easier on the lights in later flower + train more aggressively to keep them short. I bleached most of the tops in my last run.
  • Add to that: Don't sew cover crop over the spot I'm gonna plant a seed. lol

The BAS schedule & method have given me a lot of guidance. Here's how I've gone about prepping each container:
  1. Filled each with Coast of Maine Stonington Blend soil. (Taking care to wet each layer with some yucca water. Overall put about 1 gallon into each pot by the time it was full)
  2. Topped that with 1/4 cup BAS craft blend & 1/8 cup grokashi
  3. Topped that with 1/2" BAS BAF
  4. Topped that with a couple tbsp (sprinkled) of cover crop from BAS
  5. Topped that with a couple inches of barley straw
  6. Topped that with 1/2 cup of insect frass (Because I forgot I had it 'til the end)
Then I watered that all in with a half gallon per pot worth of well water plus:
  1. 1.5g Agisil
  2. 1 tsp Rootwise Mycrobe Complete
  3. 5ml Rootwise Enzyme Elixir
  4. 1/4 tsp BAS Big 6 Micros
  5. 4ml yucca extract
With this, I have inoculated the soil and gotten my environment ready. Covered this all up with mulch covers, stuck half a gallon of plain water in the res of each EB, and let the lights run on high to warm everything up. Conditions in tent are sitting around 72F & 55% RH. I'm still experimenting with ways to adjust parameters but am finding that there's really no substitute for just cranking the lights; as opposed to adjusting the heat in the lung room.

The next morning (1/11), I dropped my seeds and covered back up with the mulch covers. I'm opting not to fool with a transplant this time around. I want to go as low till as possible since my containers aren't big enough for no till. Will update once both are sprouted.






I'm headed in the same direction in a month or two. Watching with great interest. Best of luck on the grow!
Are those original EBs or Juniors?
I'm headed in the same direction in a month or two. Watching with great interest. Best of luck on the grow!
Are those original EBs or Juniors?

Thanks for the well wishes - and the same to you with your grow! Please do tag me if you decide to do a journal - would love to tag along.

Both are original EBs - so about 10 gal of soil in each.
This post is perfect timing for me. I'm heading in the same direction with Earthboxes as soon as I decide on which BAS mix to use and a solution for dealing with my 1,100+ tds tap water. I'll be following with interest and wish you a healthy grow.
This post is perfect timing for me. I'm heading in the same direction with Earthboxes as soon as I decide on which BAS mix to use and a solution for dealing with my 1,100+ tds tap water. I'll be following with interest and wish you a healthy grow.

Thanks for joining. Please tag me if you decide to journal your grow! My well water is 200-300ppm and I struggle with it so far as residue and hardening of soil over time - 1,100 is hard to fathom. Do you know what's in it?
Thanks for joining. Please tag me if you decide to journal your grow! My well water is 200-300ppm and I struggle with it so far as residue and hardening of soil over time - 1,100 is hard to fathom. Do you know what's in it?
That's interesting, I'd be interested to see how the EB reservoir look after a couple of cycles with your well water.

My raw tap water is about 550ppm hardness according to my city's quality report and 1,100 total ppm by the time it comes out of the tap. I've never had it tested to see what it's picking up between city treatment and my home. My salt-based water softener helps with the hardness but that's only helpful for utility use. Neither my raw tap or softened water is used for consumption or plants.

It puts me in an odd place, as an RO system will take me below desirable ppm ranges for living soil (200-500ppm) and the RO's with remineralization cartridges seem to purposely raise ph levels by 1-3 points which I don't necessarily want. I'll probably just go the standard RO route and manually increase ppm somehow as needed.

I like what you're doing here (saw today's update) and appreciate you letting me tag along!
That's interesting, I'd be interested to see how the EB reservoir look after a couple of cycles with your well water.

I'll make it a point to do this soon. I ran a couple plants in one for my last grow. I have reamended that one (top dress - did not dump) and have four cucumbers coming up in it now. Once those go down, I'll plan to open it up and see how things look. We have heavy limestone content here -- so I expect lots of white residue and maybe some crust.

Sympathies on your water conundrum. That's a trip to find out you're doubling PPM between source and tap. Never heard of anything quite like it! One thing I did, when I was experimenting with Coco & Autopots, was to mix my pure RO water with my well water. (Bypassing the softener) I was going at a rate of 1:1; but maybe you could look at a higher ratio of RO to get ppm content down where you want it.

Then again, it's probably unsettling not knowing what's in that extra 550ppm not in the city water report. I had a local company come out and test our water. Gave some interesting info; but not sure if it would be to the level of detail you need to help in your situation. Either way, please loop me in as you figure it out. Water quality has been a big issue for me.

I like what you're doing here (saw today's update) and appreciate you letting me tag along!

Thank you for following along! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or want to see more detail in certain areas. There's still a lot about organics I do not understand, but it has been the most enjoyable rabbit hole I've dived down since getting into growing. EBs are a lot of fun unto themselves, too - Great combination.

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