Week 3

Day 15, 9/23/2021: Both Seed 1 and Seed 2 were working on pushing out their fourth sets of leaves, so the growing tips were pinched off to break up the apical dominance and promote branching. (Pics were taken before clipping.) Seed 2 shows small signs of worsening damage (more of that "hyperextension" look to the leaf curling, slight increase in size of the yellow spot, appearance of another yellow spot), so I'm going to start supplementing calcium (using garden lime/calcium carbonate instead of liquid cal-mag for the slower, steadier release and soil buffering). Mephisto's strain guide states that Forum Stomper does best if you go easy on the supplements early on; maybe that's my Seed 1 who's had no complaints about the buffet so far.

Day 16: Both plants are working on multiple sets of leaves. So many nodes!!! The damage on Seed 2 is much more apparent and looks more and more like calcium deficiency overtaking the wind burn. (I don't doubt that both plants appreciated not being left in gale force winds regardless.) The lime should be coming in tomorrow and I'll be able to mix some into the top few inches of soil. I'm planning to remove any leaves showing > 66% damage. (Right now, I think it's just the one.) Seed 1 still looks like they're doing well with the soil as is.

Day 17: New growth is coming in nicely on both plants. Seed 2's first two leaves looked a little worse than they did yesterday, so I sanitized my plant scissors with 91% EtOH and cut them both off. Mixed about 1 tbsp (about 14.3 g) of garden lime into the top two inches of dirt in Seed 2's pot. I expect the damage to get worse before it gets better because garden lime is a slower, less-bioavailable supplement than a cal-mag solution would be. The goal of this grow is to get familiar with the process and building/maintaining a healthy garden, not to try to fix every single problem that comes up by immediately throwing more stuff in the dirt. I just hope I don't lose the plant in the process (but if I do, I still have more seeds I want to plant!).

Day 18: Some of the girls' newer leaves were growing in the shade of older ones, so I started the process of training using twist ties to open the branches up and maximize the amount of light hitting green. Pretty sure I accidentally killed one branch on Seed 2 by pinching too hard, oops. Also refilled the water reservoir with about 4 gallons of water.

Day 19: I didn't have the energy to do as much work on training today, but everybody's looking upright and healthy. I couldn't spot the branch that I thought I killed on Seed 2, so that seems promising. Ultimately, I just didn't set aside enough time for pruning and defoliating, and I need to keep in mind that it's gonna take more time as they get bigger.

Day 20: Just a little trim tonight. There's no fucking way I'm going to be able to keep up with twist ties for training; I went ahead and ordered some LST clips. These two are just growing too quickly! I noticed some dark discoloration on a couple of Seed 2's leaves but don't have the energy to devote to figuring it out tonight. It may have to wait for the clips--I got bright red ones to help my brain keep the branches in order so I don't get overwhelmed by visual information because holy cow, there's an awful lot going on in there.

Day 21, 9/29/2021: Week 3 ended with another shorty maintenance session tonight in which I cut off a couple of moderately-damaged early leaves. The center petal was showing heavy damage and each of the two side petals was beginning to show some light yellow spotting. Rather than force the plant to continue spending energy on trying to fix them, I trimmed them off. I also adjusted a couple of training twist ties on each plant to try to keep the branches spread out to maximize light and air circulation throughout the canopy. Both are starting to show signs of sex and my uneducated eyes see pistils. I bet that by tomorrow, it'll be much more obvious and I'll be able to verify that they're both ladies. :)



Week 3, start

Week 3, end
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