Day 12: The Transplant

So I haven't shared a lot because these first couple weeks have been pretty boring. I dropped these seeds directly to some FFHF with a little myco on 7/1. It was around 3 days later when I started to see signs of activity.

Dinafem's Sweet Deep Grapefruit was first to stick her head out. Since then, she has been the frontrunner -- which is exciting. I only had one of these seeds, a freebie sent to me along with the rest of my Southern Oregon Seeds order, and I was worried it might not pop since it had been in the fridge for a good long while. Can see some signs of stretch in her, as she was clearly thirsty for more light.

Day 1Day 7Day 12 (Pre & Post Transplant)

Mephisto 3 Bears OG is in at a distant second. She came up the next day. I was a little worried about some of the discoloration on that first true leaf, but she seems happy. I have learned that these things don't typically mean a lot so early on. She stretched enough that I needed to brace her with a tie.

Day 1Day 7Day 12 (Pre & Post Transplant)

Southern Oregon Seeds Auto Northern Lights was the last to show, and as you can likely see she has some oddities about her. From the onset, she was fairly twisted. I observed the same in a couple previous grows with this particular strain, so I'm not going to sweat it. She has come a long way the last couple days and seems to be doing okay despite it the coloration & twisting.

Day 1Day 7Day 12 (Pre & Post Transplant)

No major environmental updates for now. The stretch early on was due to me learning this new light. I'm trying to be a little more hands-off with this grow since that seems more in the spirit of proper organics. I did lower the light a hair and up the dimmer to the point that each is getting around 200ppfd in their new pots. I'll leave them here for a couple days to make sure there are no issues as they begin to veg.

This 2x4 is crowded. I have a brand spanking new 5x5x7 AC Infinity Tent that I intend to set up -- But need to finish a custom window insert so I can vent it. I should have all of that online in time for flower.

They've had a couple small waterings up to now. The first was on Day 7 -- around 25ml each of a RO/well water mix to the tune of 150ppm.

Today, I gave them considerably more with a good thorough misting of pure well water. I wanted to saturate their seedling cups. I let them sit for about an hour after that; and then transplanted to my mix of ~60% Roots Organic Green Lite, 25% FFHF, and 15% BAS BAF. They've gone into 7 gallon pots that aren't quite full since I plan to top dress with plenty of good stuff over the next few weeks. Post-transplant, each got a good helping of molasses (1 tbsp) to a gallon of water around their perimeters. I've upped exhaust a bit and will keep an eye on conditions, but for now we seem to be in a pretty good place.

To summarize:
  • Lights @ ~200ppfd
  • Average weeklies: 76.3 F / 57.4% RH
  • Straight water for the next week; will update with the next helping of molasses.
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