1st Grow Ever. Fastbuds Forbidden Runtz - Days 11-12

Day 11
Woke to find that both plants had drooped a little overnight. Temp was steady at 77F, so I concluded that drooping today and day 10 were cause by lack of water.
Still 77F/65%, 28" above plant, 20 on/4 off, 11k lux (20% on dimmer)
Fed plants around 10 am, drooping resolved around 4 pm
Fed plants again around 10PM (first time plant got fed twice in one day)

Day 12 (7/3/21)

Woke to find plants both plants drooping again despite two feedings the day before. Humidity had gotten up over 70% overnight, but I don't think that cause the drooping
Still 77F/65% (humidity a little hard to control past 24 hours), 28" above plant, 20 on/4 off, bumped up to 14K lux today (30% on dimmer) to see if they are drooping due to lack of light
Fed plants around 10 am, looking a little bit better at 4pm.
Wondering if they need more water, but still worried about over-watering. Still just keeping the coco wet, haven't had anywhere near any run off yet. Wet at 1st knuckle.




What do they look like today? 7/6

They seem to look kinda stretched like when your light is too far up, but my light is higher up than yours (weaker light) I'm days 12 now and my first grow a few months ago with only water mine were shorter but bigger and I underwatered heavily yours should maybe be bigger now (my current 12 day olders are maybe 5 times as big but I have been giving em nutes this time) my first attempt I just wanted to make sure I could actually finish a grow and the buds are amazing I slow dried over 5 days and after 2 more it was smokable and is better each day - much better than street weed
Forbidden runtz was sold out when I went to buy my 2nd batch please let me know what they're like when you are done - currently doing blueberry, purple punch, purple lemonade, lemon, and blackberry at once

1 advice from an amateur that's doing pretty good at it right now - flushing made my smoke so great, it's so smooth you never cough though the bud is powerful as hell and the other - they say it's hardest but planting directly in soil so far has been 100% successful for me so I never have to buy more than 1 seed of a strain I want
Hello! Thanks for checking everything out and commenting.

Yeah, I was hoping they would be a bit bigger by this point. I think I went too weak on the nutes and water. I had the same mindset as you, just wanted to get through a grow without killing them. The smaller one is suffering from cal-mag deficiency. I have a new, stronger batch of nutes mixing up right now. Going to feed them when I get home. Hopefully it's not too late to get em back on track. I snap some pictures tonight so you can check them out.

I'm definitely planning on giving them a good flush and plenty of time to dry out. Gonna grab some jars try my hand and curing a good amount of the yield too. I'll let you know how it smokes when I'm done. Good luck with your grows, friend!
Finally at the start of week 4 I get some nute burn on a couple of them (purple lemonade, purple punch seems only on bottom few leaves that'll fall off soon and new growth on blackberry one leaf has small burned tip on 1 piece. I was expecting much more from this soil combo + nutes since I got worse without nutes last time)

blueberry is taking everything like she ants more and looks to be having so many flowering sites the others have like 2 - 3 near the top but she has like 9 - 13 which seems insane and I am sure will change to like 1 biggest as she gets bigger.

I'm at the point I badly need to defoiliate blueberry but since I have moved all the leafs in ways the flowering sites get light I'm not sure if I should cut anything but the bottomed burned few leaves.

I wanna go for more plants AND bigger pots next time but if I get over 200 grams I'm getting a mars hydro and bigger pots and maybe a soil perlite coco mix of some sort where I can control more and grow them as big as I want without fear of smothering them of burning them up in ocean forest with NLS (nature's living soil). I'm using slightly over 1/4 of each nute used at the time on their schedule every other feeding so pretty much every other day as I try to keep soil black but not drenched but I want to go up to at least half had I not had to worry about the soil maybe week 7 I'll take bigger doses when I know it's probably worn down

Tomorrow I add tiger bloom so I'll be using for 1 week - wholly mackerel, kelp me kelp you, big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom then quitting wholly mackerel and slightly upping I think big bloom (I always doubt and triple check math and measurements when I do things cause I'm a clutz). This isn't from the angle the light is coming from so its not from the top but you can she most of the plants here (from top left to middle clockwise: fastbuds blackberry, seedsman lemon,barney's farm purple punch, fastbuds purple lemonade, royal 00 seeds blueberry [all autos])
still have big yield, northern lights and a few lemons left after giving a few away.

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Guy Incognito
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