Day 14

Going well but I'm not exactly sure when I'll fill the reservoir. Maybe it's better to continue hand watering for another week.

(and sorry for my "Day 14 [Deleted]" post in New Growers Grow Journals thread. I just learned that the updates here also appear there.)

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I tend to half fill the res at around day 14, if the gauge starts going down you're in business. Once you see that gauge move youll know those roots have hit bottom ;)
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I tend to half fill the res at around day 14, if the gauge starts going down your in business. Once you see that gauge move youll know those roots have hit bottom ;)
Good news:joy: Thanks!

I'll give it a try by filling half of it. I guess there is no need to add fertilizer for the first time.
I might need some help @DeanOnAuto, hope tagging you is okay.

Yesterday I wanted to fill half the res. While pouring through the hole in the corner, I noticed that the gauge couldn't go halfway up. Soil (or perlite layer?) seemed to be sucking it at the same time. Half of 1 L was absorbed like this. Since I couldn't figure out what was going on, I emptied the water from the bottom. Lol*

Today the pot was light. I tried to pour 1 L of water again and it was absorbed at the same time as well, about 600-650 ml but the remaining part continues to stay at the bottom right now.

Nothing bad happened to the plant in this first part of the job, but for the sake of clarity and learning, I would like to ask:

- Have you ever experienced something like this in the beginning? May I have added less perlite than necessary?
- Do you wait for the res to empty before adding again, or is it better to keep the water at a certain level?

These are the ones that are stuck in my head for now.
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I might need some help @DeanOnAuto, hope tagging you is okay.

Yesterday I wanted to fill half the res. While pouring through the hole in the corner, I noticed that the gauge couldn't go halfway up. Soil (or perlite layer?) seemed to be sucking it at the same time. Half of 1 L was absorbed like this. Since I couldn't figure out what was going on, I emptied the water from the bottom. Lol*

Today the pot was light. I tried to pour 1 L of water again and it was absorbed at the same time as well, about 600-650 ml but the remaining part continues to stay at the bottom right now.

Nothing bad happened to the plant in this first part of the job, but for the sake of clarity and learning, I would like to ask:

- Have you ever experienced something like this in the beginning? May I have added less perlite than necessary?
- Do you wait for the res to empty before adding again, or is it better to keep the water at a certain level?

These are the ones that are stuck in my head for now.

Your gauge will have a poly float, your probably find this it's slightly stuck, just jiggle it a bit and it should slide up. You should'nt have any debris around the bottom of the gauge because of the pots design. Once I've half filled the res and I see the gauge moving down, I top up with plan water to full. You'll have to judge it yourself but on nutrient feeding days you want the gauge to be at the bottom ready to take the feed. My ladies if healthy will drink a full 3 litres a day through days 21-50 or so, then it's about 2.5lites a day, my res holds 3l. Once a week I'll top feed just to ensure the soil doesn't dry out to much.
Your gauge will have a poly float, your probably find this it's slightly stuck, just jiggle it a bit and it should slide up. You should'nt have any debris around the bottom of the gauge because of the pots design. Once I've half filled the res and I see the gauge moving down, I top up with plan water to full. You'll have to judge it yourself but on nutrient feeding days you want the gauge to be at the bottom ready to take the feed. My ladies if healthy will drink a full 3 litres a day through days 21-50 or so, then it's about 2.5lites a day, my res holds 3l. Once a week I'll top feed just to ensure the soil doesn't dry out to much.
Thanks a million! Especially for what you said about topping up. I will update on day 21 and it would be great if I get your opinion at that stage.

It looks like there's nothing wrong with the gauge, but I'd better remember what you said while pouring.

Thanks a million! Especially for what you said about topping up. I will update on day 21 and it would be great if I get your opinion at that stage.

It looks like there's nothing wrong with the gauge, but I'd better remember what you said while pouring.

Just tag me whenever you need, I'll try and help with the limited knowledge I have :toke: :vibes:

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