
The Chocolate Kush had a defol today, 1/3 of all the lower growth was removed. I'll wait a few days to see how she responds and then have another round of defoliation to let her finish off life.

The Lemon Kix has really started to fatten up and looks like she'll be harvested in less than 80 days. The Kix will be given extra help next week with the introduction of AN Overdrive. This will be fed at 2ml per litre mixed in with the Sensi Bloom schedule for just two weeks.

She has been asking for more Bloom nutrients 10 days ago but being an inexperienced grower, I didnt read the signs. This has resulted in considerable fade and yellowing of around 60% of the entire plant. I think she will have enough leaf material to see her finish. I'm going to grow this girl again as soon as there's space and avoid the mistakes made this time round.

Every day is a learning day :smoking: :vibes:
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Love it bro! Every day is a learning day. Looks to me that you are doing a solid job!! :d5:
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I prefer to learn best by seeing how other people mess up and kill stuff and make sure I learn from their errors. Isn't that basically what separates us from the other apes?
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