So far so good....

Things started pretty quickly for the 2 dreamatics, I can't say the same for the orange sherbet. Its been five days since planting seeds and still no sign of her. So i have planted a lemon haze auto by kannabia seeds.
My dreamatics both bursted threw the soil before 24 hours though today is day 4 of there sweet lives...
Yesterday my sf2000 arrived and i promptly switched out the 4 foot 8 tube t5 for it and i must say boy oh boy am i impressed. Im hoping this grow is a good grow.
This is my first documented grow. I hope not to disappoint. All feed back and question are a must for me.
Sooo get involved people and lets see where this thing goes
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I might have missed it if you put this in a post already, what sorta nutes are you using?
The new tent is looking pretty fly bt dubbs!
I hope the fast Buds turns out for ya, I’ve done a few already and am doing up a few more in a staggered grow I got going. They’ve always been good to me in the tents!
Good luck with this grow yo!!!!

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