My 2nd Try At Organic Auto Grow

So this is my 2nd shot at trying to grow an organic autoflower. Zkittles by FastBuds. 3 gal fabric pot with Happy Frog mixed with NLS Autoflower blend and a couple handfuls of perlite. Germinated seed using the paper towel method and placed into pot with plastic cup over it for humidity. Broke through the soil the next day. Hopefully this grow will go better than my first one. Fingers crossed.
Zkittles Germinated.jpg

Zkittles Day 1.JPG
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Day 7:
Zkittles Week 1.JPG

Day 9: Watered with 1 cup of Arrowhead Spring Water. Hopefully the spring water will have some minerals in it to help with some of the nutrient issues I had on my first grow, i.e. cal/mag deficiency.

Day 11: Watered with 1 cup of spring water.

Day 13: Watered with 1L of spring water.

Day 14: Mixed 1tbls of molasses mixed in 1 gal of distilled water. Fed 1L of mix. Temp: 81º, RH: 35%
Zkittles Week 2.jpeg
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Day 21: Checking weight of pot and looking at plant to determine if I need to water. Not drinking much at this point.
Temp: 81º, RH: 34%
Zkittles Week 3.JPG

Day 22: Did a little LST. Tried my hand at trying to "FIM" her. I think I FIM'd the FIM:gassy:.

Day 24: Mixed 1 tbls molasses with 1/4 tsp Recharge and aerated for 24hrs. Fed 1L of mix.

Day 27: Starting to flower. Defoliated a couple of lower leaves.

Day 28: Leaves getting bigger. I think I FIM'd too late. She is a runt. I won't be doing that again. Temp: 84º, RH: 33%
Zkittles Week 4.JPG
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Day 32: Fed 1/2ml Cal/Mag and 3ml Mammoth P with 1L of distilled water. PH'd to 6.2.

Day 35: Fan leave getting bigger but not much in height. Temp: 82%, RH: 31%
Zkittles Week 5.jpeg

Day 36: Watered with 1L spring water PH'd to 6.2. Lightly top dressed with 1tbls FF Cavern Culture. Listed as 1-12-0 with 1% nitrogen, 15% available phosphate, 15% calcium, 1% iron. Derived from rock phosphate, seabird guano and bat guano. Temp: 80º, RH: 35%

Day 40: Watered with 1L spring water PH'd to 62. Temp: 79º, RH: 35%

Day 41: OH, NO! Not again! Noticed a couple of leaves are starting to yellow and some brown spots. Suspect phosphorous deficiency but not sure. Will add some Mammoth P, Recharge and Cal/Mag at next watering.

Day 42: Top fed with 3tbls FF Cavern Culture. Sprayed surface of soil lightly with spring water. Foliar sprayed some Mammoth P and Cal/Mag in distilled water PH'd to 6.2. Plucked a few yellowed leaves. Temp: 79%, RH: 36%. Hope I didn't over do it with the nutrients. I'm going into panic mode. Buds are bulking up and I can see frost. YAY! Farther than I got on the last grow. Still a runt though.
Zkittles Week 6.jpeg
Zkittles Week 6.jpeg
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Day 43: Noticed upper leaves are continuing to yellow and more brown spots on a couple of ther leaves. Mixed 1ml Cal/Mag, 1ml Mammoth P, 1/4tsp Recharge and 1tbls FF Big Bloom into 1 gal of spring water. PH'd 6.7. Watered in 1.25L of mix. Trying to bump up the phosphorous and address possible cal/mag deficiency. I really don't know what I'm doing but trying to fix what "I" think the issues are. Temp: 80º, RH: 37%

Day 44: Watered top of soil lightly with mixture from yesterday. Buds look like they are still bulking up. Temp: 81º, RH: 37%

Day 46: Large fan leaves continue to yellow and looked dried up. Watered with 1L spring water PH'd to 6.7. Will water with Mammoth P at next watering. Temp: 82%, RH: 37%

Day 49: She's still chugging along. Temp: 81º, RH: 32%.
Zkittles Week 7.jpeg

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Day 50: Fed 1ml Mammoth P with 1.25L spring water PH'd to 6.5. Temp: 80º, RH: 31%

Day 51: Leaves continue to yellow and dry up. Lightly watered with calmag. Temp: 79º, RH: 30%

Day 53: Removed dead leaves. Buds are looking pretty good. Plant is only about 10 inches tall but mostly all bud. I won't be doing any FIM'ing in the future. Just some LST. Temp: 79º, RH: 30%
Zkittles Day 53.jpeg
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Day 54 (Mar. 2nd): Heavier watering with 2L of tea made with 1tbls molasses and 2tbls NLS Girl Flower Power blend. Aerated for 24 hrs. From NLS website: NLS Girl Flower Power ingredients: meat from the heart of hemp seed, coconut water powder, pumpkin seed meal, bat guano, fish bone meal, alfalfa meal and other essential vitamins, amino acid and minerals specifically formulated for the needs of a flowering plant. We also have added microbes that do an amazing job of converting phosphorous. Temp: 80º, RH: 34%

Day 56 (Week 8, Mar. 4th): Getting close to harvest. Nice and frosty. Temp: 82º, RH: 34%
Zkittles Week 8.jpeg

Zkittles Week 8 Buds.jpeg

Looks about ready to cut. I read somewhere (here maybe) that some famous grower said when you think it's ready to harvest, give it another week or two. I've got milky trichomes and some amber ones. I'll give her another week. YAY! I actually made it through a complete grow....limped through a grow.
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Day 57: Light top soil watering with distilled water. Temp; 82º, RH: 31%

Day 58: Watered with 2L of bottle spring water PH'd to 6.2. Temp: 81º, RH: 31%

Day 61: Watered with 1.5L distilled water. Temp: 84º, RH: 35%
Week 9 (63 Days) and my Zkittles has made it to the finish line (not without problems along the way). She's a runt (about 8 inches tall) but she's almost all bud and they're really dense. Finally!

Zkittles Week 9.jpg

Zkittles Week 9 Buds.jpg

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For being such a small plant she still managed to get me a little over 1/2 oz. Into the curing jar. Enough to keep me out of the recreational dispensaries :smoking:

Zkittles Buds .53oz .jpeg

Zkitles Buds Closeup.jpeg

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