White Widow Autos

I was doing routine maintenance and cleaning the tent so I brought them out {OH MY BACK}, so I took some pictures of them to show off they are going on 8 wks from seed, 4 wks in flower. they average 34-36 inches tall, I have a short one that I didn't do any training to. been feeding them dry fertilizer, worm castings and kelp meal and they are loving it. If you have been following me I had a sick droopy leaves and currently she pulled through and doing great and the discolored one is doing great too no changes so far. I cant wait to see how they turn out when finished. So hear are some pictures of them. My dog {Liberty} loves to smell them then she starts sneeze....:420:
7 wks 5 days 25.jpg
7 wks 5 days 9.jpg
7 wks 5 days 10.jpg
7 wks 5 days 11.jpg
7 wks 5 days 12.jpg
7 wks 5 days 13.jpg
7 wks 5 days 14.jpg
7 wks 5 days 18.jpg
7 wks 5 days 19.jpg
7 wks 5 days 20.jpg
7 wks 5 days 21.jpg
7 wks 5 days 22.jpg
7 wks 5 days 23.jpg
7 wks 5 days 24.jpg
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