60 Day Wonder outdoor grow

Got a whole lot of autos out this season, being South of the Equator, Spring has just started.
In spot #1, 60 day Wonder by DNA genetics has taken an early lead over everything else. Nice thick stems and vigor standing out right now from the rest.
William Wonder is one parent and a strain I've been after for awhile.
I started these girls in solo cups in a greenhouse using led supplementary lighting which was timed to come on for a cupla hrs at dawn n dusk, mostly to harden off the photo seedlings I had in there.
Autos were popped on the new moon, spent a month in solo cups before being transplanted carefully into native soil, amended with a mix of néem cake, guano, gypsum, bokashi, potash and fish meal.
I also planted directly into a handful of worm castings and michorrizal fungi.
Seedlings been in the ground for just over a fortnight and going hard.



There are about half a doz 60 day wonders out. There is one in particular that has caught my eye, it started to flower before the others and the stem has really thickened up in the last few days.
They have had a drench of amino acids and kelp this week plus a feed of mung bean SST.
You can see I like to use various clover as cover crops.
Damn looks good, where'd you score the wonders? Haven't been able to find them in stock for 7 and a half years lol
Thanks yo! I got them from Attitude seedbank. I grabbed them because I've been trying to find W.W. For awhile too but haven't been able to find it.
From my research, it seemed there may have been two Williams Wonders. One from that magnificent growing region around Williams, Oregon and the other from British Columbia? The Oregonian one was what I was after in particular.
So it's been about two n hlf months since these girls were popped (Sep 24th) and there is quite a wide variance between the 60 day Wonders so far. I'm getting some burnt rubber/smelly feet terps currently.
Girls have been getting weekly feeds of fish/amino acids plus foliars of silica/fulvic plus neem. They had a feed of corn SST just as preflowers had emerged to encourage some Lateral branching growth.
Here's 4 of the girls I have out. You can see one hasn't even shown preflowers (?) so it looks like we could be going the full photo-period season, she's already chin height. A cupla others are starting to get real chunky.
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Love that green field o' dreams!
Keep 'em short, fill that space, and looking forward to a nice harvest soon.

Often wondered about the 60 day Wonder -- are they really that fast?
Looks like maybe not, but still curious on their total grow time.
Love that green field o' dreams!
Keep 'em short, fill that space, and looking forward to a nice harvest soon.

Often wondered about the 60 day Wonder -- are they really that fast?
Looks like maybe not, but still curious on their total grow time.
I wonder if its a marketing ploy? Probably 60 days indoors under 24 hr light I'm assuming.
It was the Williams Wonder parent that made me grab them anyway.

These are at 90 days now and ready in another 7-10 days at most I'm guessing. Can't complain with that, considering we had a month of unseasonably poor weather up until a week ago.
I have about a dozen different varieties in the patch, here's a few of the others that stood out in thumbnails..
Auto NorthernLights XL by 00Seeds
and another..

Pineapple xpress from Fast Buds from seed I found in a superb pheno from last season..

And the P.E. again

These next ones also stood out, unfortunately I lost the number attached to the seed pack, they may be Think Big by Dutch Passion.. Whatever they were, all three seeds cranked.

This seasons duds were Auto NorthernLights by Nirvana seeds and Afghan XL by 00Seeds. Won't touch em again.
I also have an Afghan XL, Auto Northern Lights and a 90 day Wonder looking like they will go full photoperiod season.


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Last of the 60 day wonder autos to go. She went a touch over 90 days from sprout.
She could've gonna a few more days but rains a comin. She ended up being 5 ft tall.
Very chuffed with these, a tricky season with the large amount of rain and caterpillars causing white mould issues but the Wonders showed good resistance compared to everything else.
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Really happy with the Wonders.
I had a look on seedbanks to order more for a future breeding project as I would very much like to use these but they are out of stock everywhere. Managed to find one solitary bean at Attitude.
I tried to pollinate a branch of select girls outta this crop but the pollen that my buddy had saved didnt take. Darn.
Really happy with the Wonders.
I had a look on seedbanks to order more for a future breeding project as I would very much like to use these but they are out of stock everywhere. Managed to find one solitary bean at Attitude.
I tried to pollinate a branch of select girls outta this crop but the pollen that my buddy had saved didnt take. Darn.
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Looks like it’s got some blue tint to it!

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Serious Home Breeder
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