Parent Re-Veg - Part 1.

As I was unsure if going to use my female I didn't keep any cuttings back. All is not lost though, as I am going to Re-Veg the female.

For those of you who have not seen a re-veg before, it is definitely something you should keep in mind when you get a really good plant. You basically chop the plant you wish to keep, leaving some pop-corn bud at the bottom, take it out of its old pot, cut back the roots & then place in some fresh soil. add some veg nutes, and put on 20/4.

Depending on how long you have had the plant in flower, will kind of dictate how long it takes to show any signs of veg growth. This plant was in flower for 8 weeks, and took about 3 weeks for any signs.

Some basic things to note:

* If you want to keep the plant, then do not add any finishing products to it before you chop.
* New growth comes from bud, not leaf. Make sure you keep both.
* Cut the plant as soon as you can, as the longer you leave it the longer it will take to revert.
* While you can re-veg the main plant and then eventually put it back into flower, it is best just to take some cuttings from it & flower those.

Here is the female, after being cut back.

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JH7 Reveg.jpg

A couple of weeks later, and it is beginning to look quite poorly. You need to keep on.

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Eventually you will start to see new growth. It will be weird looking. This is normal.

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Soon proper growth will follow.

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The Bedroom Gardener UK
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