Colorado Cookies and Glueberry O.G. by Dutch Passion grown with BioTabs under GN Telos 0006

Hi everyone. It's been over a year since my last grow. The site has changed a lot since the last time I used it so I'm still trying to get my head around the new blog feature.

Anyway, after buying a bag recently that seemed like it had been soaked in hairspray I decided (again) that I had enough and decided to give growing another try. My first two attempts weren't very successful and I never could find out what I was doing wrong. You can check my previous journals to see what I mean. I've made a few slight changes this time round (replaced Orgatrex with Silicium Flash, replaced well water with tap water, changed lighting schedule from 24/0 to 18/6) so hopefully this one goes a bit better for me.

Tent: BudBox Pro 75 cm x 75 cm x 200 cm, white lining.
Light: GN Telos 0006 on a 18/6 cycle. At about 90 cm from top of pots.
Ventilation: Passive intake, 4” RVK duct fan out. Rhino carbon filter and a clip-on fan for circulation.
Pots: 12 Litre fabric pots.
Medium: Soil, BioBizz LightMix.
Nutrients: BioTabs Starter Kit (the one with Silicium Flash instead of Orgatrex), Bio PK 5-8 for late flower, watering with tap-water.
Temp/Humidity: 24-26 C, 60-70% RH
Strain: 2 Colorado Cookies and 2 Glueberry O.G. by Dutch Passion (Autos)

I germinated the seeds with the paper towel method. Unfortunately, the towel dried up halfway through when only half the seeds had popped. The taproots still looked healthy though so I resprayed the paper and hoped for the best. Overall, 3 out of 4 seeds popped. I planted 3 and started to germ another seed to make up for the lost one.

The CC's are on day 5 and the GOG's are on day 7.

I was in a hurry taking pics so they aren't the best...

GOG-A, Day 7. The best looking out of the 4. Maybe a bit small for day 7? I'm not sure.
IMG_20200626_GOGA1.jpg IMG_20200626_GOGA2.jpg

GOG-B, Day 7. The seed case is refusing to come off this one. Looks a bit stretchy too.
IMG_20200626_GOGB1.jpg IMG_20200626_GOGB2.jpg

CC-A, Day 5. This one is tiny and hasn't really gotten any bigger the past couple of days. I have a fresh seed germinating which I plan to replace it with. Or is there still hope for her?
IMG_20200626_CCA1.jpg IMG_20200626_CCA2.jpg

CC-B, Day 5. A little bit stretchy maybe?
IMG_20200626_CCB1.jpg IMG_20200626_CCB2.jpg

I'm following BioTabs' Just Add Water strategy except I lowered the quantities of some of the products and I didn't put the tabs in yet.
I prepared the soil with 50g Startrex, 35g Silicium Flash, 5g Mycotrex and 1g of Bactrex per litre of water.

I might add the tabs on day 10, I'm not sure.

I'd really appreciate some advice from experienced BioTabs users so if you know any, please tag them.

That's all I can think of for now. Thanks!
Next page: Week 3


Yesterday, I got rid of the CC-A and replaced with a new CC-A. I didn't use paper towel method this time to germ. I just dropped the seed in some water, waited for it to sink and planted into final pot. Hopefully she'll break through the soil tomorrow.

I started to get a bit worried about not giving them the tabs right away so I gave them all one tab each broken in half. Even though I've got two plants on day 8, one on day 6 and another on day 0, I gave them all the tabs on the same day so we'll see what happens.

After scanning through a couple of other people's journals using BioTabs, I regret not reading them and taking notes before starting this grow. I feel like I'm off to a fairly clumsy start.

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If you don't mind, I'm gonna tag you, @MedCzech. I'm in the middle of reading one of your journals and it has a lot of helpful info.

Maybe you can help prevent me from making any more dumb mistakes.

On week 4 now. Things are going okay. Got a bit of nute burn on both of the Glueberry OG's but hopefully it'll clear up soon. I guess they are light feeders. All I've been giving them is plain water.

Here are some photos. I wish I could get rid of that yellow tint.

Two Glueberry OG's in thee front, two Colorado Cookies in the back.

Glueberry OG A. Day 24. She's way ahead of the others. About 31 cm tall. Starting to flower. Some yellow tips on newer leaves.


Glueberry OG B. Day 24. She's a lot shorter and bushier than the other GOG. Fan leaves are big and there aren't many bud sites. Leaf tucking is difficult with this one because the leaf stems are so thick and strong. The leaves just won't stay down. She started showing some pistils a couple of days ago. She also has burnt tips on newer growth.


Colorado Cookies A. Day 14. Leaves are a weird mixture of light green and dark green.

Colorado Cookies B. Day 22. She's looking alright. Maybe a bit too much Nitrogen? She started showing pistils a couple of days ago.

That's it really. So far, things are going way better than my previous attempts. Thanks for reading, if anybody is reading this at all.
I haven't been having much luck with the Colorado Cookies. One of them has hermied on me. The healthiest looking one too! The other Co. Cookies is stunted and drinking water very slowly.

The Glueberry Og's are doing okay. One looks great besides being a little bit overfed. The other is still very bushy and slow flowering.


Glueberry OG A, Day 28. About 45 cm tall. My best plant yet. A little bit overfed, some yellow tips. Waiting for the leaves to green up before I can start feeding her.

Glueberry OG B, Day 28. Also overfed. She's very bushy with very strong and thick stems. She isn't showing many bud sites. 31 cm tall.

Colorado Cookies A, Day 18. Looks like she's a runt. Drinking very slowly. She has strange patchy colouring on her leaves. Approx 20 cm tall.

Colorado Cookies B, Day 26. 37 cm tall. She hermied on me. Which is a real shame because she was looking well. I've pulled off 7 pollen sacs in the past four days. I guess I'll have to throw her out. She has two odd looking leaves on her too.


GOG A, Day 33 - Top dressing 12 g Silicium Flash (should've given 2 weeks sooner, higher dose) , 1 g per litre Bactrex
GOG B, Day 33 - 1 g per litre Bactrex
CC A, Day 23 - 1 g per litre Bactrex
CC B, Day 31 - Top dressing 12 g Silicium Flash, 1 g per litre Bactrex

GOG A, Day 36 - 10 ml per litre Bio PK 5-8 (should've given 2 weeks sooner, lower dose)
GOG B, Day 36 - Plain water
CC A, Day 26 -
CC B, Day 34 - 10 ml per litre Bio PK 5-8

Next Bio PK 5-8 for GOG A (Day 43), CC B (Day 38)
More bactrex planned GOG A, GOG B (D47), CC A (D37), CC B (D45)
More Silicium Flash for GOG A next watering.
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Hey @Medulla_Oblongauto how did you plants do? I just ordered some biotabs but wondering if it would be ok, if i started a little late?
My seeds are currently in my autopot, germinating (day 2) and it will be day 10 before I get the biotabs to start feeding.

I do have megacrop that I can supplement until. Have you tried or heard of people trying that route?

Thanks and hope this all went well!

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