caught in the middle

it's day 33 an I'm somehow unsure how to go on.
Some pics first.

td 1 lighter and nore open grown higher

td 2 compact grown, some days behind, smaller pot


look from above left the bigger one, right the smaller one.

while the big pot gives me some buffer in any way, the smaller one in the smaller pot is harder to handle so of course the bigger pot does better.
I Think the overall def was treated well so far.
Roots of the bigger one went though the bottom, and drank all that was left. Now one last clean of the runoff plate and the lady will furtheron take care herself of exceeding solution. Less work to do for me now.
I am unsure, but I think I'll go with 2-1-1. Its mix outcome is NPK 9.5 - 7.4 - 14.5, that hopefully still matches the need of slow rising p and k. EC 1.1 I'll go I think.
Does anyone still see a problem on the smaller one on the right?
Any thoughts?

If i didn't mention ... ALL except soil comes straight out of the locker ans was there for 10 years. But I think all nutes will just do as they have ten years ago. Everything was cool and dark, and i checked consistency and shook them all well.




Sometimes they can just grow inconsistently, I have serious height differences from the same seeds, 52-26cm and I treat them as individuals. The shorter ones always seem to be the bushiest. But yours looks healthy to me, good growth and colour, I don't think you need to worry. As for the old nutes, they should be fine as long as the container wasn't damaged or leaking. Some people say they lose some strength but that's debatable. I've still got some that I bought 3 years ago because I don't use that much and at £20+ a go I'll keep on using. It's just the nervous father in you, you're doing good mate, :cooldance:
so another update for today, things went a little off rail. This morning i decided to strip her a bit. So I did that because tonight was time for another feed and all looked well.
Then mixed the nutritients, and the EC was still to low (~800) in my bucket, so i decided to double the dose of nutes and fill up with water...everything was fine, until AFTER watering I recognized I didn't up another 2-1-1 gmb but a 1-2-1 with about ec 1.1 now...the ratio was out of bounds and i was going for stronger mix...f*ck! Can't get it out anymore....
So I did some fast a hurry!
gmb 2-1-1 ~= 9.5 7.4 14.5
+ gmb 1-2-1
2.5 - 1.2 - 5 1g
9 - 0 -2 -2 m
0 - 5 - 3.5 - 1 b
11,5 6,2 10,5 ...fuck some off adding that to fill the gap fast and with what's at hand...ok, theres still some bigbud, lets see
+ 2x bigbud 0 2 6 - added due to math

11,5 8,2 16,5
21 15,6 31 ~=
10,5 7,6 15,5

which brings me back around to something between 8-6-12 and the original 9.5 7.4 14.5 with just a little N excess.
Soil was still wet enough, so theres a chance it dilutes well...hope so, worked before.
So theoretically I could save them from big harm, if the girls take the even more water and the upped EC to 1080 (the last was just half water with "normal doubled" strength of bigbud calculated to fit to the percentage of the first shot - it adds though).

bigbud saved my big dumb butt today I think.

so here is a pic of todays work - of course they look lousy and show me claws, still better than expected.



keep your fingers crossed please.
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