CannaBee’s Grow journal

Need to start over

I will be starting my grow of 4 Mephisto Auto’s over.It is my own fault .I will be going to LI Hydro tomorrow to pick up some of my favorite soil Fox Farm “Happy Frog” i also like to use “Black & Gold’ works well & PH is on point.I thought i would have been able to get away with soil i had for regular planting .I keep forgetting how sensitive auto’s can be ,especially in seedling stage.I will be documenting my 4 grows from start to finish.i welcome any feedback.i know how much info is out there it can be mind boggling.I will be starting my seeds in rock coir in a propegator .Once they pop up i give a few days then i will plant them in 3 gallon pots.i keeping pots small due to my Photos .I am using this grow as a learning curve to see best way to grow.The autos are going to be leading the way in this industry.Breeders like Mephisto & others are leading the way we these gorgeous genetics.Hopefully on August 5th I will be starting .I don’t want to wait to long .in the north east it can be winter end of October.I will keep posting & I will be checking out everyone’s grow journals as well as looking into all the other rooms.Im new to all this .I never had a facebook account.I be looking forward to any info,ideas or whatever else .thanks
Previous page: Plant Flush


I just planted another Walter White Auto from Mephisto Genetics.My auto’s i planted are having some problems .The soil I planted Them in is to nutrient rich.i used revive from Advanced nutrients & also added some Molosses to give a boost of sugar to keep them from shock.This is my 3rd auto grow.First 2 went well , i feel these Mephisto’s will be a whole lot better.I am new to all this Forum stuff.I never use social still use to having to hide the grows & keep quiet .
I hated to do it ,but i had no other choice.Today i discarded 2 plants that were only 2 1/2 weeks old ,i used soil that i had mixed for different plants that were meant for lil more mature plants.I started the Strawberry nuggets X northern cheese, Girl Scout monkeys & threw in another Walter White.went to hydro store got some Happy Frog soil .I will keep posting the progress.any tips ideas or just want to chat I’m listening .


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Today i am preparing for my beans to pop.i will fill the 3 gallon fabric pots with Fox Farm Happy Frog soil.i will be growing these outdoors.The autos should be finished in October,Let’s hope the weather here in NY will be decent.With the 3 gallon pots i can always bring them in garage at night if temps get too bad.My only problem will be drying space.I have 3 Photos going (pictures are top of this page.)we expecting a lot of heavy rain tonight-tomorrow.I hope everyone on AFN who live in the area where this tropical storm Debbie are ok & secondly the plants are ok.Life & property come first.fellow growers let me no how your grows are going .
Beans finally. Popped overnight .Its been cool up in the north east.Been pruning my photos earlier haven’t really been able to spend much time on them .Anyone on AFN ever try the bud trainers? Looks like it might be good contraption for smaller strains .Have to try it & do a product test.Be good product test & write a review on here for the fellow growers .


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