Calcium Deficiency - Magnesium Overdose

Calcium Deficiency

Calcium Deficiency can be caused by:

1. Relative Humidity out of range 40% - 60% or temperature too hot >85°F/30°C. When it gets too hot and/or the RH gets too high or too low the stomata of the plant close and the plant stops respiring. This means that no water carrying elements is moving up through the plant. Even if there is plenty of calcium in the media the plant can become deficient.

2. There is not enough calcium in the media. Growing in Coco Coir requires special attention to Calcium needs. LED lighting will up the Calcium needs slightly but most Cannabis oriented nutrients will have additional already. If you need to add some Calcium be sure to just add a little to your regular fertigation and never apply alone.

3. PH is not in range. 5.5 to 6.4 for Hydroponics and 6.2 to 6.4 for soil.

4. Excess nutrient lock out. Calcium can be locked out but too much magnesium. Epsom salt is Magnesium Sulfate.
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