Whamband polyhybrid seed run

Seed harvest: DV x WB

As you know, one of the ladies I threw the Whamband pollen on was a feminized Doug's Varin. I want to find a close male to backcross to the best 'Varin female and make me some forever seeds if it's a good match. It's likely to have about a zillion or two phenos, though.

This picture is from about a week ago. She'd been up-potted a week or so prior. I cropped this out of a larger picture - I don't think I've been intentionally taking pictures of her. :crying:

Just ugly!

Anyway, she didn't look half bad this weekend when I was done chopping her back. This is her today - she's about to burst free! :yay:


If you zoom in on the picture below you can get a good look at the transformation. There are still ripe seeds on her.


I stopped after collecting these seeds.

I'm going to dessicate, package and store the rest in case I find out later that these seeds contain fire. I don't even know how good the mom is, but when she's ready I'm going to take a clone and run her properly.