Teuffelhound - Indoor Grow #1

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Indoor Grow Journals
MANY, MANY mistakes along the way and I've learned a ton. Thought maybe I was continuing with some deficiencies, but I think I'm coming to the end of this first grow. I just received my digital microscope and tried to freehand some images. I'm seeing a mix of mostly cloudy, a few clear here...
If I haven’t said it before, the Inkbird controllers are on point! Purchased the humidity and temperature controllers - no Wi-Fi but that’s fine. I’ve been able to really dial in the tent. Still dealing with deficiencies and found another self induced issue - I believe the DLI has been too...
Since dealing with a deficiency, I was letting the pots get dry (had given a gallon of pH’d water on 11/30). Purchased some RO water and prepped to get a runoff with feeding water. Mixed 2 teaspoons per gallon of Tiger Bloom - left the Grow Big and Big Bloom out. Also added a teaspoon of FF...
Been feeding every three days - will have to monitor as the pots felt very light this time. Fed all three with FF Big Bloom (1.5ts); Grow Big (1ts) & Tiger Bloom (1ts) - basically following wekk-5 schedule at a reduced concentration. Supplemented water with Epsom salt (1T per gallon) and...
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Indoor Grow Journals
Second feeding with nutrients this week. Using the FF Trio of Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. Used 1t of BB, 1/2t of GB and 1/2t TB (5th week schedule). Water is pH'd to 6.5, dechlorinated and amended with Epsom salt. Temps and RH are within range. Prior to feeding, did a little...
Same as the DG here - female, but still early?
Here is the Double Grape... Still a little early, but I'm leaning female solidly.
Trying to determine sex. Too early to tell? Maybe a herm?
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Indoor Grow Journals
After the lst trauma I decided to install the SCROG net - the holes may be a little to far spaced, but we'll see. I believe next watering will include some vegetative nutrients.
Day 24 and the plants are showing sign of sex. Pots felt right for a good watering. Removed them from the tent and gave each about 1.5 gallons of pH'd water with some Epsom salt. Haven't seen any indication that I should be adding any nutrients at this time. I was hoping to get to 30-days...
Leaves were a little droopy yesterday and I double checked the lights and checked the soil - didn't need any watering. Suspect low humidity to be the culprit. Humidity is getting down in the upper 30's with the indoor filter fan running. Basement humidity is typically in the mid 40's this...
Brought the plants out of the tent for some examinations and photos. Everything is looking good - slight leaf tip curl on the CDLC, but I believe more me being paranoid. The plan is to top at the 4th node and it looks like they are coming in now. If I remember correctly, Autobeast stated that...
Switching lights to 20/4 - same height and intensity for now. Will monitor and adjust as required. Watered with pH's water and made some adjustments with the tent fans. VPD has been right where I want it. Cruising along!
So much fun so far. I'm very much into the science of it, but really love what so many say - "at the end of the day, it's just a weed". Anyway, here are the plants with Week 1 in the books. Some watering - like every other day. Really just watching them and trying to maintain the correct...
Even though two of the seeds germinated a day or so quicker, calling this "Day 4" for all the seeds... VPD. I'm staying on the lower end and not in the zone. Lights came back on at 4pm and after an hour I'm at 80F, 78%RH and 73F on the leaf. Most articles suggest that LED lights normally...
10/20 - struggling to keep humidity up for the seedlings. During light hours I'm running the light at 28"/50%, exhaust fan on low, circulating floor fan on medium and the humidifier on max. Going through a gallon of water in the humidifier and this isn't sustainable. Kept the DG & CDLC under...
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Indoor Grow Journals
Checked this morning and the DG and CDLC have popped. Still waiting on the AA and expect her to trail a little - fingers crossed. Temps staying mid 70’s and humidity mid 60’s. Some on the seedlings. Guess this is “Day One”.
Followed the Mephisto guide for germinating the seeds - four folds of toilet paper, dampened and enclosed in a DVD case - keep warm. Checked after 24 hours and could see the Double Grape and CDLC showing progress. The Auto Amnesia wasn't showing any signs of progress. Flipped and returned...
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Indoor Grow Journals
Location Virginia / Indoor Unfinished Basement Set Up 48"x48"x80" Tent SF-4000 (initially purchased SF-1000 and changed suspecting it would be insufficient) 6" Exhaust Fan w/ Felt Covered Charcoal Filter (ducted to exhaust top / passive intake) 1-Gallon Reservoir Humidifier Oscillating Tower...

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